Hello and Goodbye Songs

Someone named Lisa wrote to me:


I’m looking for suggestions on hello and goodbye songs for a playgroup/music class I’m creating for my friends and family.

Thought it would be great to begin and end a session properly. I’d like them in English for this project.

Happy New Year!


At our library, they sing the Open Shut Them Song at the beginning and end of each class. Here’s the version the librarians sing at the beginning of each program:

Open, Shut Them

Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
Give a little clap, clap, clap.

Open, shut them
Open, shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.

Creep them, creep them,
Creep them, creep them,
Right up to your chin, chin, chin.

Open wide your little mouth,
But do not let them in.

Open and close your hands when you sing “Open, shut them” and then follow the words to the song with the corresponding hand movements while you sing. On “do not let them in” hide your hands behind your back.

At the end of the “class” we sing the song in the following way…

Open, Shut Them

Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
Give a little clap, clap, clap.

Open, shut them
Open, shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.

Wave them, wave them,
Wave them, wave them,
High up in the sky, sky, sky.

Wave to me, I’ll wave to you,
Let’s all say “Bye, bye.”

Here’s an mp3 of Open Shut Them

There’s another Hello Song that keeps running through my head (since I read Lisa’s question). I just realized where I heard it from. It was the Hello Song from my daughter’s preschool. It went:

Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, when you say hello you make a friend.
Say hello and make a friend.

My husband pointed out that he always remembered the Hello Song from The Magic Garden, a kids show that was aired in New York in the 1970’s. You can hear it here.

If you would like to suggest other “hello” and “goodbye” songs, please comment below.


Mama Lisa

UPDATE: My sister-in-law Dale read this post and offered to sing some songs that she used to sing to her preschool classes. Check them out in my next blog entry.

PS Here are some other Hello and Goodbye Songs…

This article was posted on Friday, January 19th, 2007 at 7:30 pm and is filed under American Kids Songs, Australia, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, English, Goodbye Songs, Hello Songs, Languages, Questions, Songs by Theme, United Kingdom, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

32 Responses to “Hello and Goodbye Songs”

  1. Brenda Says:

    Hi~My three and four year old preschool class sing this song every morning.
    Good morning everybody how are you…I’m Fine
    Good morning everybody how are you…I’m fine
    Good morning everybody good morning everybody good morning everybody how you are you good …I’m fine

    (The you go through the class)
    Good morning Cody how are you? (The child says) I’m fine
    Good morning Sam how are you?…I’m fine
    Good morning Kate how are you?…I’m fine

    Good morning everybody good morning everybody good morning everybody how are you…I’m fine

    (as you sing the song you clap with every word)

    I hope this helps. My kids love this song and really get into it. The words are easy so they learn it fast.

  2. Jayne Says:

    I am playgroup worker, this is a song we sing, at the end of the session.

    (All hold hands together in a circle)



    or you can change the lastword for next week etc…

  3. Sheri Says:

    My son sings this in pre-school

    Goodbye, I’ll see you next time
    Goodbye, I’ll see you next time
    Goodbye, I’ll see you next time, we had a happy day

    Followed by the kids saying goodbye and waving!

  4. Shonair Heard Says:

    What are the tunes of the songs?

  5. Mark Terrell Says:

    We do the song similar to Brenda’s

    “Hello Alan Smith, how are you?”

    “Hello Alan Smith, how are you?”

    “Hello Alan Smith, it’s so nice to see you”
    “Hello Alan Smith, how are you?”

    Tune is:

    Hel – lo Alan Smith how are you?
    G C C C C B C D

    Hel – lo Alan Smith how are you?
    G D D D D C D E

    Hel – lo Alan Smith its so nice to see you
    G F F D F F E E E C
    Hel – lo Alan Smith how are you?
    E D D D C B B C

    Rhythm is:

    Hel – lo Alan Smith how are you?
    1 2 3 4 1 2 3
    Hel – lo Alan Smith how are you?
    4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
    Hel – lo Alan Smith its so nice to see you
    4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

    The child can reply with teir own feelings (“I’m happy”, I’m well”), it is their choice. Thus we have covered PSH (Personal, Social, Health) lesson into the song.

    Reply from the child is not not needed, though.

  6. Melissa Says:

    Hello song that my daughter sings in preschool…
    Hello Melissa, Hello Melissa, Hello Melissa
    We’re glad you came today
    (say) Hello Melissa (Melissa replies Hello/Hi)
    (repeat Hello [insert kid’s name])

    Goodbye song that my daughter sang at Music Camp…
    Now it’s time to say Goodbye
    Music class is over
    We had fun, but now we’re done
    Music class is over
    Goobye Melissa (Melissa replies Goodbye)
    (repeat Goodbye [insert kid’s name])

  7. k Says:

    one that we used to sing at toddler group(works well with register) –
    John Smith, John Smith,
    Where are you?
    CHILD (shaking hands with teacher)
    Here I am, Here I am,
    How do you do

  8. Clarisse Says:

    Here’s one

    Open and shut them
    Open and shut them
    Raise your hands up high
    Open and shut them
    Open and shut them
    Time to say goodbye

  9. berta Says:

    giggle these are fun to tag along but i love the hello good bye song :D

  10. Martina Letta Says:

    Hey yall,
    this is the song i like to start the day with the song entitled the good morning train song. It goes something like this..
    The good morning train is coming how are you cho cho
    The good morning train is coming how are you cho cho
    The good morning train is coming
    The good morning train is coming
    The good morning train is coming how are you cho cho
    **(make arm movement like a train conductor pulling the bell for cho choo && have the children clap to the rythem of the song while the instructor is singing the lyrics**

    And will all say hi to (kids name) Marissa when it comes cho cho
    And will all say Kevin when it comes cho cho
    and will all say hi to Carina and will all say hi to Kendra and will all say hi to Martin when it comes cho cho.

    And after you sing it so everyone has a chance to say there name you sing..
    And will all say hi to everyone
    and will all say hi to everyone
    and will all say hi to everyone when it come CHOO CHOO.

    another song you can sing is
    hello everybody and how are you (while waving)
    how are you
    how are you
    hello everybody and how are you
    how are you today
    stomp your feet everybody and how are you
    how are you
    how are you
    stomp your feet everybody and how are you; how are you today
    clap you hands everybody(different actions)
    and how are you
    how are you
    how are you
    clap your hands everybody and how are you how are you today

    && for the end of class I sing..

    Its time to say goodbye
    its time to say goodbye
    its been lots of fun and games today
    good bye
    good bye
    good bye:)

  11. Some More Hello and Goodbye Songs with MP3 Recordings | Mama Lisa's World Blog Says:

    […] Friday, I was asked for the lyrics to some Hello and Goodbye songs. My sister-in-law Dale read the post and offered to sing some songs that she used to sing to her […]

  12. MJ Says:

    At the end of each class we sing:
    “Goodbye everybody, toodooloo, toodooloo, toodooloo.
    Goodbye everybody, toodooloo.
    We’ll see you the next time. Have a good afternoon, OK!”

    You can substitute other words for “afternoon” such as “vacation”, “summer”, or “weekend”, etc.

  13. Katie Says:

    Goodbye _____, (Child’s name)
    Goodbye _____,
    Goodbye _____,
    Until we meet again.

    We sing this to each child and change Goodbye to other languages that they speak at home. (Ciao, Salam, Adios)

  14. little_vic Says:

    hi everyone i used to work in a sen school and we used to sing…

    hello harry
    hello harry
    where are you…
    child says here i am
    here i am
    how do you do. ( wave at this stage)

    and for good bye we used to sing
    now its time to say goodbye, goodbye harry off you fly,
    now its time to say good bye, goodbye lucy off you jump etc
    changing the way they leave the circle for each child :D

    etc :D

    i loved these songs but also at home time we used to sing a lovely song

    now the day is over we lift our hands and say thankyou heavenly farther for today, were sorry for the wrong things, but glad about the right, keep us heavenly farther in your love tonight.

    hope these are helpfull :D :D

  15. kim Says:

    we sing this these songs ….

    Its time to sing hello… its time to sing hello, kim kim kim can say(hello) and we let the kids tap the floor or shoulders or whatever… its the same with goodbye…

    kim is looking through the window she’s looking through the window kim is looking through the window to see a friend she knows… ( she then finds a friend says their name and hello.)

    I have a name you have a name i must call u by your name its kim kim thats your name… kim then says hello

  16. Fern Says:

    I am a new grandmother of twins & love learning new songs.

    I would greatly appreciate the original tune these go to so I know how to sing them to my grandbabies.
    Thank you all.

  17. Eve Says:

    It’s time to say goodbye, say Bye-Bye-Bye
    Bye-Bye-Bye, Bye-Bye-Bye
    It’s time to say goodbye, say Bye-Bye-Bye
    Thank you & Good bye.,

    This is what were singing in my nursery class.,
    Easy for them to sing & remember the lines especially for an EFL learner.

  18. Linda Says:

    Good Morning song I’ve used in my Pre-K class for years (to the tune of If You’re Happy and You Know it):

    Good Morning, Good Morning how are you? (clap, clap)
    Good Morning, Good Morning how are you? (clap, clap)
    How are you this special day, I’m glad you came to play,
    Good Morning, Good Morning how are you? (clap, clap)

  19. muhammed eissa Says:

    hello ,teacher
    hello , mom
    hello ,hello, everyone
    Good morning Teacher
    Good morning mom
    Good morning Good morning every one
    Goodbye ,Teacher
    Goodbye ,mom
    Goodbye ,Goodbye ,everyone

  20. Hyrie Says:

    I truly like these songs. I am an English teacher and was searching for some good songs for children from 3-5 and I found some very interesting stuff in here.

  21. Allicia Says:

    hello how are you
    hello how are you
    hello how are you how are you today

    Alice is here today
    Alice is here today
    Alice is here today
    nice to see you Alice

    and so on

    you can maybe give them something like a laminated photo of them with Velcro on the back and they can put on the wall

  22. Susan Says:

    Goodbye song with signs…great for SEN and young children

    Goodbye children – thumbs up, wave and point to the children
    Goodbye children – repeat actions
    Goodbye children – repeat actions
    Its time – point to your watch or a clock
    to say – point to your mouth
    goodbye – thumbs up and wave

  23. Alex Says:

    Shalom Song

    Hello, hello, shalom, shalom.
    Tell me how you are ha yom.
    I’m fine thanks, todah rabah.
    We welcome you, baruchabah.
    Shalom to (name), so nice to see you.
    Shalom to (name), so good to see you too.

    Repeat last two lines substituting each child’s name until you’ve gone around the whole room. Have everyone wave to each specific child as they greet him/her.

    I also wrote my own English version. Here it is:

    Hello, hello, good day, good day.
    Tell me how you are today.
    I’m fine thanks, and how are you?
    We welcome you, we truly do.
    Hello to (name), so nice to see you.
    Hello to (name), so good to see you too.

    Please e-mail me if you want the tune! i_luv_falsetto@comcast.net

    Thank you very much!

  24. Sisi Says:

    Hi I’m a French schoolteacher and I ‘m lookin for this song and the text. I have the cd arrnaged by Susan Vicks.
    Can you give me all the text?


    Say Hello everybody

    Say Hello everybody!
    How do you do?X3
    Say Hello everybody
    How do you do? How are you today?

    Clap hands everybody!
    How do you do? X3
    Clap hands everybody!
    How do you do? How are you today?

  25. liz Says:

    This is a hello/goodbye song we sign at my daughters early headstart group, parents need to sign because the children are under the age of 2 yrs.

    Good morning, Good morning, Good morning to you. Good morning to (child’s name) it’s good to have you hear. Repeat for each child.

    (Good-bye song)
    It’s time to clap and wave and say good-bye (sign 3 times) Good-bye (child’s name). Say each child’s name ( three times). We’ll see you next time

  26. Dave Says:

    I’m looking for the “I sing good morning to you, you sing good morning to me, the French say “bonjour”

  27. Lisa Says:

    There’s a song in “Singin in the Rain” where they sing good morning in different languages at the end. You can see it at the link below…


  28. Emma Says:

    have you heard the foot ball song nice one Cyril? well this song is sang to that tunes choirs . you would change the name to whoever the child is let say the child’s named Emma

    Hello Emma
    Hello Emma
    Hello Emma
    it’s nice to see you here

    and goodbye

    Bye bye Emma
    Bye bye Emma
    bye bye Emma
    it’s been at lot of fun

  29. Lisa Says:

    Good morning to you,
    Good morning to you,
    Good morning dear children!
    Good morning to you!

    Sung to the “Happy Birthday to You” tune.

  30. daniel Says:


  31. Daniel Ichbiah Says:

    Dear Mama Lisa,

    May I suggest to you this Goodbye song by a young french Aurelie…


    All the best to you. ;)


    Daniel (from France)

  32. azimabdul Says:

    Godbye now,
    goodbye now,
    the clock says we’re done.
    We’ll see you on Thursday (or whatever the next day of class is)
    for more swimming fun.
    Very nice other also.

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