Here’s the fun and lovely poem called Fairies by Rose Fyleman (1877–1957) with an mp3 recording.
THERE are fairies at the bottom of our garden!
It’s not so very, very far away;
You pass the gardner’s shed and you just keep straight ahead —
I do so hope they’ve really come to stay.
There’s a little wood, with moss in it and beetles,
And a little stream that quietly runs through;
You wouldn’t think they’d dare to come merrymaking there–
Well, they do.There are fairies at the bottom of our garden!
They often have a dance on summer nights;
The butterflies and bees make a lovely little breeze,
And the rabbits stand about and hold the lights.
Did you know that they could sit upon the moonbeams
And pick a little star to make a fan,
And dance away up there in the middle of the air?
Well, they can.There are fairies at the bottom of our garden!
You cannot think how beautiful they are;
They all stand up and sing when the Fairy Queen and King
Come gently floating down upon their car.
The King is very proud and very handsome;
The Queen–now you can guess who that could be
(She’s a little girl all day, but at night she steals away)?
Well — it’s Me!
Poem read by Simon.
The Photos above are of the Cottingley Fairies. Click the link to read about the photos and how two girls tricked the world into believing they were photos of real fairies. I wonder if the girls had read this poem beforehand!
Note: The photos have been changed for the poem. You can see how they originally looked at the link above.
This article was posted on Sunday, December 30th, 2012 at 6:05 pm and is filed under Mama Lisa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
August 18th, 2016 at 4:53 pm
The language seemed far too modern for the dates you give, which prompted me to look her up: 1877-1957.
August 18th, 2016 at 6:22 pm
Thanks for the correction Rob! I fixed the years. -Lisa