Easy Recipe for Chocolate Fondue


Chocolate Fondue is sooo easy to make!  All you need is your favorite chocolate for melting and heavy cream.  I used Ghirardelli’s milk chocolate chips and a little semi-sweet chocolate chips (to make the chocolate flavor stronger).  We dip strawberries, slices of bananas and kiwi, and honey-wheat pretzel sticks.  Some people also dip marshmallows, cubes of pound cake and other fruit.


6 oz.+ Heavy Cream
12 oz.+ Chocolate Chips or Bars broken into pieces

Dippables (i.e. strawberries, sliced bananas, etc.)

Serves about 4

If you want to make more, the proportions are 2 oz. Heavy Cream to 4 oz. Chocolate.

1. Warm up the cream in a small heavy pot on medium heat.

2.  Once the cream starts to lightly bubble, start adding the chocolate.  Whisk until melted and add more until all of the chocolate is melted. 

If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little more cream and if it’s too thin you can add more chocolate.

3.  Put the chocolate mixture into a chocolate fondue pot over a small candle. 

4.  Using fondue forks dip the dippables into the chocolate mixture. 

Enjoy this little taste of heaven!

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 at 12:23 pm and is filed under Chocolate Fondue, Desserts, Holidays Around the World, Recipes of the World, Valentine's Day. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Responses to “Easy Recipe for Chocolate Fondue”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Melanie wrote: “We also like to use white chocolate wafers, Nilla vanilla wafers.”

  2. Healthy Muffin Says:

    semi-sweet chocolate chips are more healthy

  3. cococococococo Says:

    I gotta favorite this website it seems invaluable very helpful

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