Dreaming was written by the Irish poet, William Allingham (1824 – 1889). He wrote this poem for his three children. Here you can listen to the poem while reading along with the text.
A strange little Dream
On a long star-beam
Ran down from the midnight skies,
To curly-hair’d Fred
Asleep in his bed,
With the lids on his merry blue eyes.
Under each lid
The thin Dream slid,
And spread to a picture inside,
A new World there,
Most strange and rare
Tho’ just by our garden-side.
Rivers and Rocks,
And a Treasure-Box,
And Floating in Air without wings,
And the Speaking Beast,
And a Royal Feast,
My chair beside the King’s;
A Land of Flowers,
And of lofty Towers
Carved over in marble white
With living Shapes
Of Panthers and Apes
That gambol in ceaseless flight;
And a Cellar small
With its Cave in the Wall
Stretching many a mile underground!
And the Rope from the Moon!—
Fred woke too soon,
For its end could never be found.
Read by Rosslyn C.
This article was posted on Thursday, January 15th, 2015 at 7:09 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, England, English, Ireland, Languages, N. Ireland, Poems, Poems about Dreaming, Poetry, Poets, USA, William Allingham. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.