Does Anyone Know a Nursery Song “Zebra, Zebra at the Zoo”?

Mirka wrote:

Hello from Slovakia! I found your super page in web, it is very special, nice and helpful. Thank you! Can you help me with a nursery rhyme: ZEBRA, ZEBRA AT (IN) THE ZOO? I cannot find the words anywhere. Thanks! Have a nice day! Love from Mirka

If anyone can help with this song, please comment below or email me.



UPDATE: Check out the comments below for the rhyme! If anyone knows where this comes from – please let us know!

This article was posted on Saturday, July 28th, 2007 at 5:20 pm and is filed under American Kids Songs, American Nursery Rhymes, Canada, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, English, Languages, Mama Lisa, Nursery Rhymes, Questions, Readers Questions, United Kingdom, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

9 Responses to “Does Anyone Know a Nursery Song “Zebra, Zebra at the Zoo”?”

  1. Mary Says:

    Zebra zebra at the zoo
    are you trying to alarm us
    You look just like a rocking horse
    Dressed up in striped Pyjamas!

  2. Lisa Says:

    Thanks Mary! Do you know where this comes from?

    -Mama Lisa

  3. fatema Says:

    the poem is
    The zebra in the zoo(2)
    You look like a horsie who painted you.
    Black and white stripes all over you,
    Oh! zebra i feel like hugging you.

  4. Seema Says:

    the poem is
    The zebra in the zoo (2)
    You look like a horsie who painted you.
    Black and white stripes all over you,
    Oh! zebra i feel like hugging you
    Elephant has a trunk,
    Rino has a horn, he is very strong
    Girafee has a long neck (2)
    i know i know girafee is the tallest
    Kangaroo has a pouch (2)
    who he is in the pouch
    i know i know babies in the pouch.

  5. Phil Says:

    That nursery song was sung at Ronnie Posados house in Rocky Point for his child

  6. Phil Says:

    That Nursery song was sung for Ronnie Visalus child when it couldn’t get to sleep one night and was feeling sick. Zebra came over to Ronnies house and was hanging out after playing a small concert at the bar Peabody’s that Ronnie and his friend Gary owned

  7. Bernard Says:

    I remember that nursery rhyme from the 1960’s when I was a toddler:
    “The zebra in the zoo is suffering from flu…”

    I remember just the first words, not more.

    Regards, Bernard

  8. Lisa Says:

    I found more lines here:

    The zebra in the zoo
    is suffering from flu.
    It sneezes and it blows
    the tickling from his nose.

  9. Mechthild Says:

    The zebra in the zoo is suffering from flue, it sneezes and it blows the tickling from its nose. The monkeys find it fun, to chase round in the sun. The sleepy little foxes, are dreaming in their boxes. A little boy called Tony, is riding on a pony. He is not the only boy, who wants it as a toy.

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