Cyclops Wearing flip-flops is a book of multilingual poetry. There are poems in this volume by some of the masters… and they’re translated by kids! These children took part in a translation workshop called "Poetry Inside Out".
There are also original poems by some of the students in the book. Here are a couple of them that I particularly liked…
A poem written by Yésica Martinez López, 4th grade:
The Dark Sky
like a huge
hole in the world
I see through my bedroom
window tiny stars
shining on
the dark skyThis poem includes a Spanish version:
El cielo oscuro
como un gigante
hoyo en el mundo
yo veo por la ventana
de mi cuarto chiquitas
estrellas brillando en
el mundo oscuroA poem by Moisés Bello. 4th grade in Spanish with an English translation:
De los sabores
El mango amarillo y jugoso
escurriendo jugo en tu boca
como limón cayendo
al pescado calienteOf the Flavors
The yellow and juicy mango
dripping juice in your mouth
like lemon dripping
on a hot fish
Cyclops Wearing flip-flops can also give teachers useful ideas for teaching poetry and translation to students.
I highly recommend this book for students and teachers alike!
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Thursday, July 7th, 2011 at 5:12 pm and is filed under Books & Stories, Multilingual Poetry, Poems, Poetry, Poets, Teaching. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.