This French song about a church bell ringer is amusing! I guess it’s because we’ve all been in the situation where someone around us was making noise that we had no control over.
Below you can listen to the mp3 recording of the song, read the original French lyrics along with an English translation…
MP3 of Maudit sois-tu carillonneur
Maudit sois-tu carillonneur
Maudit sois-tu carillonneur,
Toi qui naquis pour mon malheur !
Dès le point du jour à la cloche il s’accroche,
Et le soir encore carillonne plus fort.
Quand sonnera-t-on la mort du
sonneur ?
Curse You Bell Ringer
Curse you bell-ringer,
You whose birth was my misfortune!
From the break of day he hangs on the bell,
And in the evening he rings it even louder.
When will they ring it for the death of the bell-ringer?
Many thanks to Edit’ Dupont for singing this song for Mama Lisa’s World. Translation by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci. Illustration from "Change Ringing: An introduction to the early stages of the art of church or hand bell ringing for the use of beginners" (1872) by Charles Arthur William Troyte. Image edited by Lisa Yannucci.
This article was posted on Thursday, November 15th, 2012 at 12:40 pm and is filed under Arts and Crafts, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, France, French, French Kids Songs, Illustrations, Languages, Maudit sois-tu carillonneur, MP3's, Recordings, Recordings of Songs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.