We have a version of the Polish song “Krakowiaczek Ci Ja” (I am from Cracow) that’s called “Krakowiaczek jeden” (One Man from Cracow). Recently, I was emailed a version of the song called “Krakowiaczek Ci Ja” (I am from Cracow). However, I wasn’t sent a full English translation. Here’s the song I received in Polish:
Krakowiaczek Ci Ja
Krakowiaczek ci ja,
Któż nie przyzna tego.
Siedemdziesiąt kótek,
U pasika mego.Krakowiaczek ci ja,
W Krakowiemsię rodził,
Trzy lata mi było,
Do szkołym już chodził.Chodziłem do szkoły
Uczyłem się gładko,
A teraz już czytam,
Jak za panią matką.Krakowiaczek jeden.
Miał koników siedem,
Pojechał na wojnę
Został mu się jeden.
If anyone can help out with an English translation of this version – that would be great! Please comment below or email me.
Thanks in advance.
This article was posted on Monday, February 11th, 2008 at 3:25 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Folk Songs, Languages, Poland, Polish, Polish Kids Songs, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
February 15th, 2008 at 8:54 am
I got a catalog from POLART that included doll of a boy dressed in a Krakowianka costume.
http://www.polandbymail.com/item.asp?n=AD22584&f=1 From the picture it looks like a very beautiful doll. However, at $200 it is intended to be part of a collection not a toy. Like the American Girl dolls
http://www.mamalisa.com/blog/?p=636 this is a beautiful item, but very expensive.
The picture of the doll, on their website is, however a good representation of a boy’s Krakowiakian costume. Notice the peacock feather in the boy’s hat. I believe that Polish folklore, like Greek and Turkish folklore attributes to the peacock the power to ward off the evil eye. Notice also that the hat the boy is wearing is similar to the typical hat worn as part of a high school or college “cap and gown.” I believe (but have not validated this) that because the University at Krakow was so important during the middle ages that this is where the “cap and gown” custom came from.
Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy the picture at their website.
If you are looking for children’s books or toys related to Poland, this is a good source.
February 18th, 2009 at 10:29 pm
I’ve translated the enclosed version of Krakowiaczek for you (see the lyrics below), but this is not a full version of that song and it is definitely not a popular version of that song.
Although I’m from Warsaw, I love Krakow and I used to enjoy singing and dancing to that song as a child, so I know it pretty well. You may also find it on the Wikipedia.
Nevertheles, here is the translation of your version (also, see below the full/popular version of Krakowiaczek and my English translation of it):
No one would deny that I’m from Krakow,
I’ve got many tassels fastened to my buckle.
Yes, I’m from Krakow, don’t think I’m a fool,
I was only three, when I went to school.
I was learning quickly – faster than my brother,
Now I’m reading better than my dear mother!
When I was a young man, I had seven horses,
I lost all but one, fighting foreign forces.
The literal translation would not make sense, so I’ve tried to keep the rhymes and the content as close to the original, as possible.
Now, take a look at the full text:
Author – anonimus
Written down by Zygmunt Gloger in 1892
Krakowiaczek jeden
miał koników siedem,
pojechał na wojnę,
został mu się jeden.
Siedem lat wojował,
szabli nie wyjmował,
szabla zardzewiała,
wojny nie widziała.
Krakowianka jedna
miała chłopca z drewna,
a buciki z wosku,
wszystko po krakowsku.
Krakowiaczek ci ja,
krakowskiej natury,
kto mi wejdzie w drogę,
ja na niego z góry.
Krakowiaczek ci ja,
któż nie przyzna tego,
siedemdziesiąt kółek,
u pasika mego.
Krakowiaczek ci ja,
z czerwona czapeczką,
szyta kierezyja,
bucik z podkóweczką.
Gra mi wciąż muzyka,
a kółka trzepocą,
jak małe księżyce
w blasku się migocą.
Here is my translation:
I’m a man from Krakow, I had seven horses,
I lost all but one, fighting foreign forces.
Although I kept fighting and was never bored,
Somehow I returned home with the rusty sword.
Little girl from Krakow, had a wooden doll
And a funny footwear with a waxy sole.
I’m a man from Kracow, I’m not a clown,
If you mess with me, I will take you down.
No one would deny, that I’m from Kracow,
I’ve got many tassels fastened to my buckle.
I’m a guy from Kracow, so please take a note:
I wear woolen red hat, boots, and overcoat.
When the music’s playing, I dance with a flare,
Tassels on my buckle give off lots of glare.
Here are some links to Krakowiaczek performances:
I love this website – keep up the good work!
September 9th, 2010 at 11:00 am
Thank you for the translation above. I also was looking for a translation, if you feel you are able to do so and wouldn’t mind. I cannot find the lyrics printed anywhere, and since I don’t know Polish, I cannot tell how to spell the words to translate them. Would you be willing to listen to the song “Na cmentarzu mieszkać będę” at the following link and translate the text for me? I would very much appreciate it.