Can Someone Help with a Czech Rhyme?

Jennifer wrote:

My husband’s aunt always does a little hand rhyme/song with my children that goes something like, “smudgala mischka krukeelaka….” I know I’m butchering the spelling and I’m trying to find the correct words and the meaning of this Czech rhyme in English. My daughter wants to share it with her class for a cultural sharing day.

Please help! Thank you.

Jennifer Sedivy

If anyone can help Jennifer, please comment below or email me.



This article was posted on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007 at 11:52 am and is filed under Countries & Cultures, Czech, Czech Republic, Languages, Nursery Rhymes, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

4 Responses to “Can Someone Help with a Czech Rhyme?”

  1. Hana Says:

    Jennifer, where are you from?
    Can you add some more words, please?
    Can you look at

  2. Hana Says:

    Maybe it is this one:

    Czech Republic – Vařila myši?ka kaši?ku


  3. Jennifer Says:

    Hi Hana.
    Is this where I email you back? My aunt tried to write out the words as best she knew them, but she is not sure. She has written down, “smazila miska krupky hrach na…na kamnach…tomudala tomudala…” It is a rhyme about some mice I believe. Does this help at all??
    Thank you.

  4. Tereza Kyndlová Says:

    Would it be this one?

    Smažila myška krupky, hrách,
    smažila je na kamnách.
    Tomu dala, tomu nic,
    tomu málo, tomu víc.

    Ten plakal, ten skákal
    a ten maličký
    do komůrečky chvátal
    tam se napapal.



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