Ed wrote:
I sing in a choral club which is sponsored by Travelers Insurance, in Hartford, Connecticut. It is the oldest company sponsored choral club in the country. This Christmas we are doing a piece called Christmas Bells, which is a Norwegian Folk Carol. I am wondering if you posted the lyrics and midi of this piece someone might recognize it and provide the Norwegian words to it. I have no idea if the English words are a translation of the original or the lyricist just came up with words that matched the tune. The tune however, is quite nice and would be a very good children’s song.
Here are the lyrics Ed sent me:
Christmas Bells
Christmas is coming and sleigh bells are jingling and
Faces are tingling in frost and in snow
Riding along with the reindeer together in
Cold frosty weather we sing as we go.See! The lights of the home are glowing;
Warmth and welcome clear they’re showing.Journey’s end comes soon in sight, with the sleigh bells
A jingle in the bright starry night.
If anyone can help with the Norwegian lyrics to this song, please comment below or email me.
This article was posted on Tuesday, November 27th, 2007 at 1:19 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Christmas, Christmas Songs, Countries & Cultures, Holiday Songs, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Music, Norway, Norwegian, Norwegian Children's Songs, Questions, Readers Questions, Sheet Music. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
November 30th, 2007 at 10:29 pm
Hey ,
Check this site for Christmas song lyrics
Christmas Songs Lyrics
December 16th, 2007 at 7:32 pm
I got an email from the publisher
Thank you for your inquiry. We have no further information on Christmas Bells regarding origin. It was sent from Mr. Rutter as a Norwegian folk carol.
Wish we could have helped more.
Lisa, Customer Service
So I don’t know if the lyrics written by John Rutter has anything to do with the original Norwegian Lyrics or of the title (Christmas Bells) has anything to do with the originl Norwegian title.
January 2nd, 2008 at 6:01 pm
Susan Sande wrote:
I wrote back to Susan letting her know I would be thrilled to receive the lyrics to “Pål sine høner” (Paul and His Chickens) in the original Norwegian and with an English translation. She sent them to me and I posted them both on the Mama Lisa’s World Norway Pages. Click the link to see the song. Now if anyone would like to sing it for us, of course we’d love to post a recording along with the words!
Many thanks to Susan Sande!
-Mama Lisa
July 18th, 2009 at 12:37 pm
Hei Lisa.
I belive the song you want is “Bjelleklang” ? And I belive that the tune, are the same as “jinglebells”
Lyrics: By Arne Bendiksen.
Bjelleklang, bjelleklang
over skog og hei!
Hør på bjellens muntre klang,
når Blakken drar i vei!
Følg oss ut! Følg oss ut
over mo og myr
Der hvor veien slynger seg
i skogens eventyr.
Kom nå og bli med til stallen skal du se
At Blakken blir så glad når vi skal dra av sted
Så tar vi vognen frem og legger selen på
Og Blakken vrinsker glad mot deg
Hu-Hei, hvor det skal gå!
Bjelleklang, bjelleklang
over skog og hei!
Hør på bjellens muntre klang,
når Blakken drar i vei!
Følg oss ut! Følg oss ut
over mo og myr
Der hvor veien slynger seg
i skogens eventyr.
Det klinger over veien en munter melodi
Som fuglene i heien så lystig stemmer i.
Bjelleklang, bjelleklang
over skog og hei!
Hør på bjellens muntre klang,
når Blakken drar i vei!
Line, Norway
November 12th, 2019 at 4:49 pm
Christmas Bells
Can you tell me the lyrics in Norwegian?