Can Anyone Help with a Scary French Lullaby?

Etiennette was looking for help with a French lullaby:

I was wondering if anyone knew the complete lyrics to a lullaby my mother would sing to me and then to my children. I only remember a few, it’s a bit scary. Maybe that’s why I don’t remember too much. Here it goes…

Entendez-vous dans la pleine,
Un bruit venent jusqu’a nous
On dirait un bruit de chenes, (blank, blank)
C’est le lustucru qui passe (dah dah dah)
Allez-vous-en méchant homme – – – –
car ils font un petit songes,
Non vous n’aurai pas mes deux petit gars,
Lo-la lo-la tirala lo la.

Etiennette Tosches

If anyone can help, please comment below.


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Thursday, January 29th, 2009 at 3:02 pm and is filed under Belgium, Canada, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, France, French, French Kids Songs, French Lullabies, Languages, Lullabies, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

7 Responses to “Can Anyone Help with a Scary French Lullaby?”

  1. Seth Says: ????

    Perhaps you have a variation on this song?

  2. Lisa Says:

    We do have this song! Thanks Seth. Here’s the link…

    La mère Michel – with an English translation and an mp3, midi and score.

  3. Sandra Says:

    This might be the one you are looking for. My mother sang it to me as well. It is called The Sandman or Lustukru.

    There’s a Canadian site that tells how some lullabies served as warnings, like those found in Lustukru. The version of the song below was recorded by Theodore Botrel. His work was very popular in Quebec.


    Lon lon la,
    Lon lon la, lon lon la, lire la, lon la!
    La, lon la!

    1. Entendez-vous dans la plaine
    Ce bruit venant jusqu’à nous?
    On dirait un bruit de chaîne
    Se traînant sur les cailloux.
    C’est le grand Lustukru qui passe,
    Qui repasse et s’en ira
    Emportant dans sa besace
    Tous les petits gâs
    Qui ne dorment pas!

    2. Quelle est cette voix démente
    Qui traverse nos volets?
    Non, ce n’est pas la tourmente
    Qui joue avec les galets:
    C’est le grand Lustukru qui gronde
    Qui gronde … et bientôt rira
    En ramassant à la ronde
    Tous les petits gâs
    Qui ne dorment pas!

    3. Qui donc gémit de la sorte,
    Dans l’enclos, tout près d’ici?
    Faudra-t-il donc que je sorte
    Pour voir qui soupire ainsi?
    C’est le grand Lustukru qui pleure:
    Il a faim et mangera
    Crus-tout-vifs, sans pain ni beurre,
    Tous les petits gâs
    Qui ne dorment pas!

    4. Qui voulez-vous que je mette
    Dans le sac au vilain Vieux?
    Mon Doric et ma Jeannette
    Viennent de fermer les yeux:
    Allez vous-en, méchant homme,
    Quérir ailleurs vos repas!
    Puisqu’ils font leur petit somme,
    Non, vous n’aurez pas
    Mes deux petits gâs!


    You can see 2 more local Canadian versions of Lustukru at the same site.

  4. Monique Says:

    You can find the tune -and a shortened version of the above lyrics- here (look for “Le grand Lustukru I” by alphabetical order -under “G”).

    You can also hear it sung while reading the above lyrics on this site.

  5. Lisa Says:

    Here is a quick English translation I did of Lustukru (with some edits thanks to Monique Palomares)…

    A Lustukru is an ogre or bogeyman.


    Lon lon la,
    Lon lon la, lon lon la, lire la, lon la!
    La, lon la!

    1. Do you hear in the plains
    The noise coming up to us?
    We would say it’s like the noise of a chain
    Dragging itself on pebbles.
    It’s a big Ogre who passes by,
    Who passes by again and will go back
    Carrying in his shoulder bag
    All the little youngsters
    Who don’t sleep!


    2. What is this crazy voice
    Which passes by our shutters?
    No, it isn’t the storm
    Which plays with pebbles:
    It is the big Ogre who roars
    Who roars and will soon laugh…
    Gathering up
    All the little youngsters
    Who don’t sleep!


    3. Who moaned so,
    In the enclosure, near here?
    Must I thus have to go out
    To see who sighs so?
    It’s the big Ogre crying:
    He’s hungry and eating
    Raw and alive, without bread or butter,
    All the little youngsters
    Who don’t sleep!


    4. Who do you want me to put
    In the bad old man’s bag?
    My Doric and my Jeannette
    Have just closed their eyes:
    Go away, bad man,
    Fetch your meal elsewhere!
    Since they take their nap,
    No, you will not have
    My two little youngsters!



    Note: Lustukru can also be spelled Lustrucru. It originally meant “simpleton” coming from “l’eusses-tu cru ?”.

    Monique said, “Nowadays if you ask French people about “lustucru” (whatever the spelling, when you talk there’s no difference), they’ll tell you it’s a brand of all types of pasta.”

  6. Lisa Says:

    Here’s an operatic version…

  7. Lisa Says:

    It in this video around 2 minutes 40 seconds…

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