Can Anyone Help with a Mexican Song that Sounds Like, “Que lulu”?

Boyd wrote:

Hi :

My mother was Mexican. when i was a baby small child 60 years ago, she would sing this song.

I only remeber the “que lulu que lulu” , & another phrase which I butcher – it sounded to me like “some come alone”.

So it goes – ” que lulu que lulu , some come alone ” …. i’ve tried the internet to look for it , but can’t find it.

Ever heard of it ?

Thank you –

Boyd W. Wicks , Sr

If anyone can help with this song, please let us know in the comments below.


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 at 6:01 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, English, Languages, Mama Lisa, Mexican Children's Songs, Mexico, Questions, Readers Questions, Spanish. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

66 Responses to “Can Anyone Help with a Mexican Song that Sounds Like, “Que lulu”?”

  1. Erika Says:

    My grandmother, aunt and mom we born and raised in Managua Nicaragua. I remember they would sing 🎶 a similar song to my cousins and I. My aunt knew it best, but passed. My grandmother now has dementia and Alzheimer’s. My mom, the youngest, only recalls these verses. I now sing these to my kids. We call it ” The Ruu Ruu Song” they love it. Just wish I knew the entire song. I will adjust baby boy when singing to my son and baby girl for when I sing to my daughter. If anyone knows it, I’d appreciate it if you shared.

    A ruu ruu mi Nino, a ruu ruu mi amor
    Dormite pedazo de mi corazon,

    Maria lavava, San Jose tendia
    Y El Niño llorava,
    Del frio que tenia.

    A ruu ruu mi Nino, a ruu ruu mi amor
    Dormite pedazo de mi Corazon,

    Senora Donsella, de que llorar El Niño
    Por una manzana que se le perdido.

    A ruu ruu mi Nino, a ruu ruu mi amor
    Dormite pedazo de mi corazon,

  2. Monique Says:

    Erika, your song is made of pieces of different versions of 3 songs Aruru mi niño, María lavaba and Señora Santa Ana (or Señora Santana). So it isn’t one “entire song”.

  3. Yolanda Says:

    My father sang it this way. I think….
    He came to the U.S. from Ures, Sonora when he was 3. He must have learned from his mother.

    Lulu que lulu que San Camaleon.
    De un palo weco salio un raton.
    Matenlo Matenlo duen sol rincon.
    Mirenlo muchachos, porque lloyda el nino?
    Es una manzana, que se la perdido.

    Repeat over and over.

  4. Stephanie Says:

    So funny seems like our parents or grandparents made up the parts they couldn’t remember now I don’t feel guilty when I sing to my kids

  5. Mercedsgirl Says:

    Mother in law sings to my kids:
    Ana ru ru ru ru, patitas de burro
    Ani ru ru raca, patitas de vaca
    Duermace mi nino, que tengo que hacer…
    lavar y planchar y hacer de comer.

  6. YuriBall Says:

    I remember this…
    Ruru que ruru que sacamaleon debajo de un hueco sale un ratón
    Esta niña linda me quiere decir que apaguen las luces pa poder dormir… i can’t remember the rest!

  7. Mary Mirtala Says:

    My mother in law would sing this to her children and the to all my children when they were infants and I sing it to my grandbabies but it’s different than those listed. I only know 2 verses and wondered if anyone knew this.

    La Virgin lavaba, San Jose tendia, y el ninito bueno, solo se dormia.
    A la la la ru ru, porque llora el nino? Por una mansana que se le aperdido.

  8. Lisa Says:

    Hi Mary – It sounds like a combination of 3 songs:

    La Virgen gitana – lyrics here
    Señora Santa Ana – lyrics here

    And “Que lulu” that’s talked about in the comments above on this page.

    I hope this helps!


  9. Lisa H Says:

    My mom used to sing it to my sibling and I. She would sing “Señora Santa Ana
    porque llora Lisa
    Por una manzaña
    Que se le ha perdido
    Iremos al huerto cortaremos dos
    Una para Lisa y otra para Dios.”
    She would take turns between mentioning our names. I will always be terrified of ‘narices de cuero’ !!!
    Another one that my mom used to tell us was “margarita de bayle”?
    You should check that one out!

  10. Xicho Says:

    I was just singing this song to my daughter and she asked me for details and I found your page. I know you posted almost 9 years ago but I’ll give you my 2 cents. Mi madrecita would sing us ” lu lu que lu lu que sancamaleon, maten lo maten lo salio un raton”

  11. Lisa Says:

    Thank you! We’re often still discussing songs years later. We always welcome feedback.

  12. Desiree Says:

    Thank you so much for this. I was hoping my Nana (grandma) would write these lyrics down to me before she was unable to, but here I am sitting with her racking my brain trying to sing this lullaby she would sing to me, to her. I’ve been able to piece it together thanks to everyone’s responses 💕

    Ruru, que ruru. Que tan tan tan
    Y leche, y atole, para San Juan.
    Esta niña linda, me quiere decir que,
    Apaguen las luces, pa poder dormir.

  13. Lisa Says:

    Here’s a translation of Desiree’s version:

    Lullaby, and lullaby, and tan, tan, tan
    And milk and atole* on St John’s Day.
    This fine baby girl wants to tell me
    To turn off the lights so she can sleep.

    *Atole is a traditional hot corn-flour-based beverage from Mexico and Central America. People drink it for Las Posadas.

  14. Ryan Says:

    My grandmother used to sing:

    Mi mi ru ru/ tan tan tan/ leche atole/ para San Juan
    Aa la mi mi ru ru/ mi mi Chiquitito
    Duermase mi bebe / ay ay ay ay ay

    Sounds Similar to what other peoples parents or grandparents sang. Im guessing it stems from some lullaby and she just added her own twist to it.

  15. Julie B Says:

    My Mexican grandmother (born in 1900’s, from central Mexico) would sing me a lullaby.
    My mother never learned it, because I would ask her later, and she didn’t know it.

    After seeing these posts I’m pretty sure it was a combination of two lullaby’s because they had two different “meters” I guess you would say.

    The first part went:
    “A la rurru rurru, patitas de burro,
    A la raca raca, patitas de vaca.”

    and then a change of meter.
    “Ru, ru, ru! Cama de Leon,
    Cara de osito y ojito pelon.”
    There may have been more to it, but that’s all I remember.

  16. Stacey Says:

    My wife’s version goes like this:

    “A la ru ru ru
    duermete ya
    porque si no vienen perritos
    Y te dan muchos besitos”

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