It’s interesting to compare proverbs from different countries. Here are some I found from around the world. If you know of any others, you’re welcome to add them in the comments below.
English Proverbs about April
-April showers bring May flowers.
-Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers.
-April comes in with his hack and his bill, And sets a flower on every hill.
-April cold and wet fills barn and barrel.
-Betwixt April and May if there be rain, ‘Tis worth more than oxen and wain.
(A wain is a large open farm wagon.)
-April and May are the key of all the year.
-After a wet April, a dry June.
-Moist April, clear June.
-Fogs in April, floods in June.
-April weather, Rain and sunshine, both together.
-A cold April, much bread, and little wine.
-An April flood carries away the frog and her brood.
-April wears a white hat.
French Proverbs about April with their English translations
-En avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil.
(Don’t put away your winter clothes, it might still get cold.)
-Avril et mai, Sont la clé de l’année.
(April and May are the key to the year.)
-D’avril les ondées, Font les fleurs de Mai.
(April Showers, Make May flowers.)
-Avril fait la fleur, Mai en a les honneurs.
(April makes the flowers, May has the honors.)
-Le vin d’avril est un vin de Dieu,
Le vin de mai est un vin de laquais.
(The wine of April is the wine of God
The wine of May is the wine of flunkeys.)
-Mars venteux et avril pluvieux,
Font mai gai et gracieux.
(Windy March, Rainy April,
Make a May that’s gracious and gay.)
Spanish Proverbs about April
-En abril, aguas mil.
(literally… In April, thousands of waters. Meaning… April is a rainy month.)
-Abril lluvioso hace a mayo hermoso.
(A rainy April makes a pretty May.)
German Proverb about April
-April macht was er will.
(April does what it wants.)
Italian Proverb about April
Aprile, ogni goccia un barile.
(literally… April, every drop, a barrel. Meaning… April, every raindrop, a barrel of wine.)
I noticed that many of these proverbs are related to April weather.
Whatever the weather is where you live this month, I hope your April is fine!
Many thanks to Monique of Mama Lisa’s World en français for sending me some of these proverbs, and for translating some of them too!
This article was posted on Thursday, April 13th, 2006 at 4:42 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, English, English Proverbs, France, French, French Proverbs, German, German Proverbs, Germany, Italian, Italian Proverbs, Italy, Languages, Mama Lisa, Proverbs, Proverbs about April, Proverbs about June, Proverbs about May, Proverbs about the Months, Spain, Spanish, Spanish Proverbs, United Kingdom, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
April 20th, 2011 at 3:39 am
I got another Italian proverb about April: Aprile dolce dormire = April, it’s sweet sleeping. Have you notices, there’s a great will to sleep in April? It’s because of the weather change.