Rudy Welvaert wrote to me about the Tradition of Saint Nicolas in Belgium. Here's what he wrote...

Dear Mama Lisa,

Every year, in the night of the 5th to the 6th of December, Saint Nicolas brings presents to all the children who have been good. That evening children put out a shoe in front of the fireplace and put a carrot or a turnip in it for the horse of Saint Nicolas. Saint Nicolas also has a servant, he's pictured as a black man (not very politically correct in our days, but that's the tradition). His name in Dutch is "Zwarte Piet" (Black Peter). The tradition of Saint-Nicolas is very similar in both the Dutch speaking part of Belgium, Vlaanderen (Flanders) and Holland. And many songs are sung by the children. Here are some of the traditionals...


Here's a version sent to us by Lyndsey Haezebrouck:

Sinterklaas, kapoentje

Sinterklaas, kapoentje,
Gooi wat in mijn schoentje,
Gooi wat in mijn laarsje,
Dank u, Sinterklaasje.

(English Translation)

Throw something in my shoe
Throw something in my boot
Thank you Saint-Nicolas.


Please see the Mama Lisa's World Belgium Pages for more of the St. Nicolas Songs that Rudy Welvaert sent me. -Mama Lisa

Here's a video to go with Lyndsey's version that can be found in the Song Notes...
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Rudy Welvaert for contributing this wonderful song, the translations and interesting commentary. Many thanks to Lyndsey Haezebrouck for contributing and translating the 3rd version of this song.

Dank u wel!