Agora non
Here's a lullaby in Asturian. Asturian is spoken in the Principality of Asturias, an autonomous community in northwest Spain not far from the border with Portugal.
Agora non
Not Now
Duérmite fíu del alma que velo'l to suañu
Palombina de blancu que nun tien aleru
Agora non, mio neñu
Agora non
Si viviera'l to padre que yera tan buenu
collarinos de plata punxérate al cuellu
Agora non, mio neñu
Agora non
Y'el que llama a la puerta que venga mañana
purque el padre del neñu murrió na montaña
Pensamientos tan tristes marcháivos agora
que nun puede dormise'l neñu que llora
Agora non, mio neñu
Agora non
Sleep son of my soul for I watch over your dreams
Little white dove that has no eave*
Not now, my son,
Not now.
If your father was alive, he who was so good,
Little silver necklaces I would put around your neck,
Not now, my son,
Not now.
And he who knocks at the door, let him come back tomorrow
For the father of the boy died in the mountain.
Such sad thoughts leave now,
For the boy who is crying cannot sleep!
Not now, my son
Not now.
*No eave (that's part of the roof) to sit upon to rest.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Rachel Ardura Profeta for contributing this song and providing the translation. Many thanks also to Cleofé García Gonzáles for her help.