Salten i ballen
This song is a longer version of El noi de la mare. Sometimes the last two verses of that version are included in this version.
Salten i ballen
They Jump and Dance
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
1. Què li darem an el Noi de la Mare?
Què li darem que li sàpiga bo?
Panses i figues i nous i olives,
Panses i figues i mel i mató.
Salten i ballen els pastorells, dones,
Salten i ballen la nit de Nadal,
La nit de Nadal, la nit de Nadal.
2. Què li darem al fillet de Maria?
Què li darem a l'hermós Jesuset?
Jo li voldria donar una camisa,
Per l'abrigar ara que fa tant fred!
3. Què cantarem al fillet de Maria?
Què cantarem a l'hermós Jesuset?
Una cançó jo te li cantaria,
Una cançó que digués nostre amor!
4. En eixint de les virginals entranyes,
Apar que tot se rebenta de plors.
I la mareta per a consolar-lo,
Ella li canta la dolça cançó!
5. No ploris, no, manyaguet de la mare,
No ploris, no, que em daries tristor,
Feu-li "non-non" al ninet, que no plori,
Feu-li "non-non" al ninet, que no dorm!
6. Angels del cel, són els que l'en bressolen,
Angels del cel, que li fan venir son!
Mentre li canten cançons d'alegria,
Cants de la glòria que no són del món!
1. What shall we give to the Son of Mary*?
What shall we give that He will find fine?
Raisins and figs and nuts and olives,
Raisins and figs and honey and curds.
The shepherds jump and dance, ladies,
They jump and dance on Christmas night,
Christmas night, Christmas night.
2. What shall we give to the laddie of Mary?
What shall we give to lovely little Jesus?
I'd like to give him a shirt
To keep him warm now that it's so cold!
3. What shall we sing to the laddie of Mary,
What shall we sing to lovely little Jesus?
I'd sing him a song,
A song that would tell him of our love!
4. As he goes away from the virginal bosom,
It seems that he bursts into tears
And the dear mother, to console him,
Sings him the sweet song!
5. Don't cry, no, little child of mother,
Don't cry, no, you'll make me sad,
Sing "night-night" to the babe so that he doesn't cry,
Sing "night-night" to the babe as he doesn't sleep!
6. The angels of heaven are the ones who rock him,
The angels of heaven put him to sleep!
While they sing him songs of joy,
Songs of glory that are not from the world!
*Literally, "the Mother".
"Non-non" is the onomatopoeia for the humming to lull the baby to sleep.
Alternate verses 2, 3 and 5:
Què li darem al fillet de Maria? (What shall we give to the laddie of Mary?)
Què li darem a l'hermós Jesuset? (What shall we give to lovely little Jesus?)
Jo li voldria donar una cota, (I'd like to give him a coat)
Que l'abrigués ara que fa tant fred! (That would warm him up now that it's so cold.)
Una cançó jo també cantaria, (I'd also sing a song)
Una cançó ben bonica d'amor (A very pretty song of love)
Que n'és treta d'una donzelleta (That comes from a young girl)
Que n'és la Verge Mare del Senyor. (Who is the Virgin, Mother of the Lord.)
No ploris, no, manyaguet de la Mare, (Don't cry, no, little babe of the Mother)
No ploris, no, ay alè del meu cor, (Don't cry, no, breath of my heart)
Cançó és aquesta qu'al noi de la Mare (This is the song from the son of the Mother)
Cançó és aquesta que l'alegra molt. (This is the song that cheers him up a lot.)
Alternate version:
1. Feu-li el llit a la Verge Maria,
Feu-li el llit que la Verge ha parit!
Salten i ballen pastorells i dones,
Salten i ballen la nit de Nadal,
La nit de Nadal, la nit de Nadal.
2. Feu-li non non al ninet, que no plori,
Feu-li non non al ninet que no dorm.
3. Què li darem al fillet de Maria?
Què li darem al formós Jesuset?
4. Panses i figues, i nous, i olives!
Panses i figues, i el cor ben net!
5 Jo li voldria dar una robeta
Una caputxa, mitges per la fred.
6. En eixint de ses virginals entranyes,
Apar que tot, es reventa de plors.
7 I la mareta, per a consolar-lo,
Ella li canta la dolça cançó.
8 "No ploris, no, manyaguet de ta mare,
No ploris, no, que em daries tristor!"
(English Translation)
1. Make the bed for the Virgin Mary,
Make her the bed as the Virgin has given birth!
Shepherds and ladies jump and dance,
They jump and dance on Christmas night,
On Christmas night, on Christmas night.
2. Sing "night-night" to the babe, so that he doesn't cry,
Sing "night-night" to the babe as he doesn't sleep.
3. What shall we give to the laddie of Mary?
What shall we give to lovely little Jesus?
4. Raisins and figs and nuts and olives!
Raisins and figs and a very pure heart!
5 I'd like to give him a little dress,
A hood, stockings for the cold.
6. As he goes away from the virginal bosom,
It seems that he bursts into tears.
7 And the dear mother, to console him,
Sings him the sweet song!
8 "Don't cry, no, babe of your mother,
Don't cry, no, you'll make me sad!"

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares (with Lisa).