This game can be played while going around in a circle, while standing still or sitting. It can be done as an action song or a hand play. You can find the actions below.

Variations of this song use different animals with their sounds.


Transliteration by Google:

1. Kupim my, babushka, sebe kurochku.
Kupim my, babushka, sebe kurochku.
Kurochka po zernyshku: Kudakh-takh-takh.

2. Kupim my, babushka, sebe utochku.
Kupim my, babushka, sebe utochku.
Utochka: Ta-ta-ta-ta,
Kurochka po zernyshku: Kudakh-takh-takh.

3. Kupim my, babushka, sebe indyushonka,
Kupim my, babushka, sebe indyushonka,
Indyushonok foldy-boldy,
Utochka ta-ta-ta-ta,
Kurochka po zernyshku kudakh-takh-takh.

4. Kupim my, babushka , sebe kison'ku,
Kupim my, babushka , sebe kison'ku,
A kison'ka myau-myau,
Indyushonok foldy-boldy,
Utochka ta-ta-ta-ta,
Kurochka po zernyshku kudakh-takh-takh.

5. Kupim my, babushka, sebe sobachonku,
Kupim my, babushka, sebe sobachonku,
Sobachonka gav-gav,
A kison'ka myau-myau,
Indyushonok foldy-boldy,
Utochka ta-ta-ta-ta,
Kurochka po zernyshku kudakh-takh-takh.

6. Kupim my, babushka, sebe porosenka,
Kupim my, babushka, sebe porosenka,
Porosenok khryuki-khryuki,
Sobachonka gav-gav,
A kison'ka myau-myau,
Indyushonok foldy-boldy,
Utochka ta-ta-ta-ta,
Kurochka po zernyshku kudakh-takh-takh.

7. Kupim my, babushka, sebe korovenku,
Kupim my, babushka, sebe korovenku,
Korovenka muki-muki,
Porosenok khryuki-khryuki,
Sobachonka gav-gav,
A kison'ka myau-myau,
Indyushonok foldy-boldy,
Utochka ta-ta-ta-ta,
Kurochka po zernyshku kudakh-takh-takh.

8. Kupim my, babushka, sebe loshadenku,
Kupim my, babushka, sebe loshadenku,
Loshadenka nuki-nuki,
Korovenka muki-muki,
Porosenok khryuki-khryuki,
Sobachonka gav-gav,
A kison'ka myau-myau,
Indyushonok foldy-boldy,
Utochka ta-ta-ta-ta,
Kurochka po zernyshku kudakh-takh-takh.

Game Instructions

Hand Play Directions:

Sit down and tap your lap with your hands to the beat of the song. Then…

1. On chicken pecking grain: Touch your pointer finger with your thumb and have them "peck" the palm of your other hand.
2. On Duck: Mime a ducks beak opening and closing with your hand.
3. On Turkey: Flap your arms like wings.
4. On Cat: Put hands forward one after the other like paws.
5. On Dog: Put hands together and clap them like a dog barking.
6. On Pig: Take your thumb and gently push the tip of your nose up like a pug nose.
7. On Cow: Put two fingers on both sides of your head like horns.
8. On Horse: Mime holding the reins of a horse.

Action Song Directions:

1. On chicken pecking grain: Bend at the waist and go up and down a little like a hen pecking grain.
2. On Duck Quacking: Go forward while waddling back and forth
3. On Turkey: Flap your arms like wings.
4. On Cat: Go forward while putting hands forward one after the other like paws.
5. On Dog: Put hands together and clap them like a dog barking.
6. On Pig: Take your thumb and gently push the tip of your nose up like a pug nose.
7. On Cow: Put two fingers on both sides of your head like horns.
8. On Horse: Clop feet on the ground.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Margarita Tyunina for sharing this song with us! Translated by Mama Lisa.