Гуси, гуси!
Often only one of the verses is recited to young children who try to answer every other line. It's also a game for kindergarten aged children.
Transliteration can be found in the Notes.
Гуси, гуси!
Goosey, Goosey
- Гуси, гуси!
- Га-га-га.
- Есть хотите?
- Да-да-да.
- Хлеба с маслом?
- Нет-нет-нет.
- а чего вам?
- Нам конфет!
- Гуси, гуси!
- Га-га-га.
- Есть хотите?
- Да-да-да.
- Ну летите!
- Нам нельзя!
Серый волк под горой
Не пускает нас домой!
- Ну летите, как хотите,
Только крылья берегите!
- Goosey, goosey!
- Honk, honk, honk!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes, yes, yes!
- Bread and butter?
- No, no, no!
- What do you want?
- We want sweets!
- Goosey, goosey!
- Honk, honk, honk!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Then fly here!
- We cannot!
The gray wolf under the hill
Won't let us go home!
-Well, fly as you like,
Just take care of your wings!
Гуси (gusi) is really "geese" - the plural of goose. I translated it as "goosey" for the sound. -Mama Lisa
- Gusi, gusi!
- Ga-ga-ga.
- Yest' khotite?
- Da-da-da.
- Khleba s maslom?
- Nyet-nyet-nyet.
- a chego vam?
- Nam konfet!
- Gusi, gusi!
- Ga-ga-ga.
- Yest' khotite?
- Da-da-da.
- Nu letite!
- Nam nel'zya!
Seryy volk pod goroy
Ne puskayet nas domoy!
- Nu letite, kak khotite,
- Tol'ko kryl'ya beregite!
Game Instructions
One child is the farmer's wife. One is the wolf. The rest are the geese.
The farmer's wife stays on one end of the yard and the geese on the other. The wolf hides. The farmer's wife says the first line. The "geese" recite the 2nd. Then they alternate lines. At the end the 2nd verse the geese run while flapping their wings to try to get to the farmer's wife for food. The wolf tags a goose and eats him up. Then the children can play another round and continue until all of the geese are caught.
