Косил Ясь
This is a Belarusian traditional song.
"This song has been well-known in Russia since the 1970's when it was popularized by the Belarusian band called 'Pesniary'. This song is sung in Belarusian only, but it's possible that Russian speakers have 'Russified' it (Russian text below), because the Belarusian remains understandable for Russian speakers. In Russia I have always only heard the Belarusian version." -Maya
Косил Ясь
Yas Mowed The Clover
Folk Song
Folk Song
Косил Ясь конюшину,
Косил Ясь конюшину,
Косил Ясь конюшину,
Поглядал на дивчину.
А дивчина жито жала,
А дивчина жито жала,
А дивчина жито жала
И на Яся поглядала.
Иди, Яся, ко мне,
Иди, Яся, ко мне,
Иди, Яся, ко мне,
Полюбился ты мне.
Кинул Яська косить,
Кинул Яська косить,
Кинул Яська косить,
Пошёл мамку просить.
Любо мамка моя,
Любо мамка моя,
Любо мамка моя,
Пожени ж ты меня.
Так бери Станиславу,
Так бери Станиславу,
Так бери Станиславу,
Она сядет на всю лаву.
Станиславу не хочу,
Станиславу не хочу,
Станиславу не хочу,
Куда ж её посажу.
Так бери ж ты Янину,
Так бери ж ты Янину,
Так бери ж ты Янину,
Работящую дивчину.
Косил Ясь конюшину,
Косил Ясь конюшину,
Косил Ясь конюшину,
Поглядал на дивчину.
Yas mowed the clover
Yas mowed the clover
Yas mowed the clover
And looked at the girl.
And the girl was harvesting barley,
And the girl was harvesting barley,
And the girl was harvesting barley,
And she glances at Yasya.
Do you, Yas, or do you not,
Do you, Yas, or do you not,
Do you, Yas, or do you not,
Do you like me?
Yaska stopped mowing,
Yaska stopped mowing,
Yaska stopped mowing,
He started off to ask his mother…
My beloved mother,
My beloved mother,
My beloved mother,
Would you marry me off?
So take Stanislava,
So take Stanislava,
So take Stanislava,
The one that sits on the whole bench.
I don't want Stanislava
I don't want Stanislava
I don't want Stanislava
I will not sit on the bench.
So take Janina,
So take Janina,
So take Janina,
Hardworking girl.
Yas mowed the clover
Yas mowed the clover
Yas mowed the clover
And looked at the girl.
Kosil Yas' konyushinu,
Kosil Yas' konyushinu,
Kosil Yas' konyushinu,
Poglyadal na divchinu.
A divchina zhito zhala,
A divchina zhito zhala,
A divchina zhito zhala
I na Yasya poglyadala.
Idi, Yasya, ko mne,
Idi, Yasya, ko mne,
Idi, Yasya, ko mne,
Polyubilsya ty mne.
Kinul Yas'ka kosit',
Kinul Yas'ka kosit',
Kinul Yas'ka kosit',
Poshol mamku prosit'.
Lyubo mamka moya,
Lyubo mamka moya,
Lyubo mamka moya,
Pozheni zh ty menya.
Tak beri Stanislavu,
Tak beri Stanislavu,
Tak beri Stanislavu,
Ona syadet na vsyu lavu.
Stanislavu ne khochu,
Stanislavu ne khochu,
Stanislavu ne khochu,
Kuda zh yeyo posazhu.
Tak beri zh ty Yaninu,
Tak beri zh ty Yaninu,
Tak beri zh ty Yaninu,
Rabotyashchuyu divchinu.
Kosil Yas' konyushinu,
Kosil Yas' konyushinu,
Kosil Yas' konyushinu,
Poglyadal na divchinu.
You can find the Belarusian text here.
The authors of the lyrics and music are unknown.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Sergej Rudovich for sharing this song with us with the tune! Translation by Sergej Rudovich, Lisa Yannucci and Monique Palomares. Thanks to Maya for the corrections.