El pollito asadito
El pollito asadito
Roasted Chicken
Juego de dedos
Finger Play
El pollito asadito
con su sal y su mojito
el pollito de la vecina
muerto lo llevan a la cocina
El pollito se murió
y la vecina se lo comió.
Roasted chicken
With its salt and its sauce*,
The neighbor's chicken,
Dead, they take him to the kitchen,
The chicken died
And the neighbor ate it.
*Mojito here means sauce. According to Wikipedia, it's a sauce without oregano...
"In Cuban cooking, mojo applies to any sauce that is made with garlic, olive oil or pork lard, and a citrus juice, traditionally bitter orange juice. It is commonly used to flavor the cassava tuber and is also used to marinate roast pork. Without oregano, the sauce is typically called 'mojito' and used for dipping plantain chips and fried cassava (yuca). To create the marinade for pork, the ingredients are bitter orange juice, garlic, oregano, cumin, and salt."
Game Instructions
The adult recites this rhyme while the baby moves his or her hand, trying to touch the four fingers to the thumb.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Marlen Infante Ricardo for sharing this rhyme with us. Translated by Lisa with Monique.
¡Muchas gracias!