Tin Marín
Tin Marín
Tin Marin
Rima de sorteo
Counting-out Rhyme
Tin Marín de dos pingüé*
cúcara mácara títere fue
el inglés tiró la espada
y sacó el 43**.
Pasó la mula,
pasó Miguel.
Mira a ver quién fue.
¿Cuántas patas tiene el gato?
Una, dos, tres y cuatro.
La manzana se pasea
de la sala al comedor
no me pinches con cuchillo
pínchame con tenedor.
Tin Marin of two big ones*,
Cockroach, mockroach, it was a puppet,
The Englishman threw the sword
And he got the 43**.
The mule passed by
Miguel passed by
Go see who it was.
How many legs does the cat have?
One, two, three and four.
The apple walks
From the living room to the dining room,
Don't pinch me with a knife
Pinch me with a fork.
*The closest existing word is "pingüe" stressed on the first syllable and meaning big, fat. The translation of the first line is based on the closest meaningful words (de do pingüé ~de dos pingües = of two big ones) but "pingüé" is actually meaningless. The Puerto Rican version is "de los tingüé".
**This might mean the Spanish liquor called Licor 43. Some versions have this line as "y mató a 43" (and he killed 43 [people]).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Marlen Infante Ricardo for sharing this song with us. Translated by Lisa.
¡Muchas gracias!