"The Ant and The Dove" is an Aesop's Fable about how compassionate behavior is rewarded. Aesop was a storyteller from Ancient Greece who lived between 620 and 560 BC. His fables where spread by word of mouth and eventually collected. They've been translated into many languages. The great Russian author Leo Tolstoy translated some into Russian, including "The Ant and The Dove". Below you can find Tolstoy's Russian version of the fable with a YouTube video.

The pronunciation can be found in the Song Notes.

Муравей и Голубка - Russian Children's Songs - Russia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Moral: Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you. Or one good turn deserves another.

Transliteration of Russian Version (By Google):

Muravey i Golubka

Muravey spustilsya k ruch'yu: zakhotel napit'sya. Volna zakhlestnula yego i chut' ne potopila. Golubka nesla vetku; ona uvidela "" muravey tonet, i brosila yemu vetku v ruchey. Muravey sel na vetku i spassya. Potom okhotnik rasstavil set' na golubku i khotel zakhlopnut'. Muravey podpolz k okhotniku i ukusil yego za nogu; okhotnik okhnul i uronil set'. Golubka vsporkhnula i uletela.

Муравей и Голубка - Russian Children's Songs - Russia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Comment After Song Image
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