The Bonny Cuckoo
The cuckoo is considered to be the harbinger of Spring.

The Bonny Cuckoo
Traditional Song
My bonny cuckoo, I tell thee true
That through the groves I'll rove with you;
I'll rove with you until the next spring
And then my cuckoo shall sweetly sing.
The ash and the hazel shall morning say,
Oh bonny cuckoo, don't go away;
Don't go away, but tarry here,
And sing for us through all the year.
Cuckoo, cuckoo pray tarry here,
And make the spring last all the year.
Here's the version from "Ancient Music of Ireland" (1796)…
My bonny cuckoo, I tell thee true
That thro' the groves I'll rove with you;
I'll rove with you until the next spring
And then my Cuckoo shall sweetly sing.
I'll rove with you until the next spring
And then my Cuckoo shall sweetly sing.
The ash and the hazel shall mourning say,
My bonny cuckoo, don't go away;
Don't go away, but tarry here,
And make the season last all the year.
Don't go away, but tarry here,
And make the season last all the year.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
This song can be found in "Ancient Music of Ireland" by Edward Bunting (1796). He calls it an ancient melody. The original version was in Gaelic.