Fray Santiago
An Argentinean version of Frère Jacques...
Fray Santiago
Brother Santiago
Fray Santiago
Fray Santiago
¿Duerme usted? (1)
¿Duerme usted?
Suenan las campanas (2)
Suenan las campanas
Ding, dong, dang
Ding, dong, dang!
Brother Santiago,
Brother Santiago,
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
The bells are ringing,
The bells are ringing
Ding, dong, dang
Ding, dong, dang!
(1) Variations of this line:
- ¿Duermes tú?
- ¿Duerme ya?
(2) Variation: Tocan las campanas.
"Santiago, (also San Iago, San Tiago, Santyago, Sant-Yago, San Thiago) is a Spanish name that derives from the Hebrew name Jacob (Ya'akov) via "Sant Iago", "Sant Yago", 'Santo Iago', or 'Santo Yago', first used to denote Saint James the Great, the brother of John the Apostle. It was also the tradition that Saint James (Santiago) had traveled to the Iberian Peninsula during his life and was buried there. The name is also complicated in Spanish in that Jaime and Jacobo are modern versions of James." -Wikipedia
