Моя семья!

Моя семья!
Our Family
Finger Play
Finger Play
Этот пальчик - дедушка,
Этот пальчик - бабушка,
Этот пальчик - папочка,
Этот пальчик - мамочка,
Этот пальчик - я,
Вот и вся моя семья!
This finger is grandfather,
This finger is grandmother,
This finger is daddy,
This finger is mommy,
This finger is me,
That's my whole family!
Etat pal'chik - diedoushka,
Etat pal'chik - baboushka,
Etat pal'chik - papochka,
Etat pal'chik - mamochka,
Etat pal'chik - ya,
Vot i vsya moya sem'ya!
Game Instructions
Start with the thumb gently bending it down. Continue saying each line and bend down the next finger. On the last line open and close your hand a couple of times.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Lisa. Illustration by Monique Palomares.