Сорока-воровка - Russian Children's Songs - Russia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image



kashoo varila,
detok kormila

Etomu dala,
Etomu dala
Etomu dala,
Etomu dala
A etomu ne dala

Ty paltchik, mal
Drov ne taskal
Kashu ne varil
Petchku ne topil
Ne dam tibye kashi

Game Instructions

Lines 1, 2, 3: Draw circles on the child's hand with your finger.
Lines 4, 5, 6, 7: Caress each finger and fold it over (except for the pinkie).
Lines 8 and on: Hold the pinkie and shake it gently till the end of the rhyme.



Many thanks to Maya Osnovina for recording this rhyme.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Maya Osnovina for contributing, transliterating and translating this rhyme into French. Maya wrote and recorded a book of Russian rhymes and songs with her friend Larissa. The rhymes and songs come in Russian and French with games instructions.

Bolshoe spasibo!

Большое спасибо!