Aserrín aserrán
Aserrín aserrán
See Saw
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Los maderos de San Juan
Los de Juan, piden pan
Los de Pedro, piden queso
Los de Enrique, alfañique*
See saw
See saw
The woodsmen of St John
Those of John ask for bread
Those of Peter ask for cheese
Those of Henry ask for candy*
*Alfeñique (candy) is sugar paste cooked and stretched into very thin and twisted bars. Sometimes it's made into shapes.
**Tickle the child on the last line.
"My version is the Cuban one but we can add another line at the end, 'Los de Roque, alfondoque' ...the latter another type of candy or cake." -Lee
You can see alfeñique and alfondoque (alfeñique mixed with ground anise and grated cheese) being made in this video (in Spanish).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Lee Cancio for sharing and translating this song!