Божья коровка, улети на небо
Svetlana wrote, "Dear Lisa, dear friends! Here in Russia we call ladybug 'God's little cow' [that would be Божья коровка (bozhya korovka) in Russian]. We have a nice kids verse about it, which goes like this..."

Божья коровка, улети на небо
Ladybug Fly to the Sky
Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme
Божья коровка, улети на небо, принеси мне хлеба
Черного и белого только не горелого.
Ladybug fly to the sky, bring me bread
Black and white but not burnt.
Bozh'ja korovka, uleti na nebo, prinesi mne hleba
Chernogo i belogo tol'ko ne gorelogo.

You can see an animation of this rhyme in the video below...
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You can hear the rhyme at the beginning of the video below...
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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Svetlana for contributing and translating this song!
Many thanks to Gracie Gralike for the illustration!
Bolshoe spasibo!
Большое спасибо!