Mon ami me délaisse
(Vive la rose/La rose et le lilas)

Mon ami me délaisse
(Vive la rose/La rose et le lilas)
My Sweetheart Neglects Me
(Long Live The Rose/The Rose and The Lilac)
Chanson traditionnelle
Traditional Song
Mon ami me délaisse*,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Mon ami me délaisse,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Je ne sais pas pourquoi,
Vive la rose et le lilas,
Je ne sais pas pourquoi,
Vive la rose et le lilas.
Il va-t-en voir une autre,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Il va-t-en voir une autre,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Qui est plus riche que moi,
Vive la rose et le lilas,
Qui est plus riche que moi,
Vive la rose et le lilas.
On dit qu'elle est plus belle,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
On dit qu'elle est plus belle,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Je n'en disconviens pas***,,
Vive la rose et le lilas,
Je n'en disconviens pas
Vive la rose et le lilas
On dit qu'elle est malade,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
On dit qu'elle est malade,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Peut-être elle en mourra,
Vive la rose et le lilas,
Peut-être elle en mourra,
Vive la rose et le lilas.
Et si elle meurt dimanche,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Et si elle meurt dimanche,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Lundi on l'enterrera,
Vive la rose et le lilas,
Lundi on l'enterrera,
Vive la rose et le lilas.
Mardi il reviendra m' voir,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Mardi il reviendra m' voir,
Ô gai, vive la rose,
Mais je n'en voudrai pas,
Vive la rose et le lilas,
Mais je n'en voudrai pas,
Vive la rose et le lilas.
My sweetheart* neglects me,
Oh joy**, long live the rose,
My sweetheart neglects me,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
I don't know why,
Long live the rose and the lilac,
I don't know why,
Long live the rose and the lilac.
He goes to see another one,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
He goes to see another one,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
Who's richer than I am,
Long live the rose and the lilac,
Who's richer than I am,
Long live the rose and the lilac.
They say she's more beautiful,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
They say she's more beautiful,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
I do not disagree,***
Long live the rose and the lilac,
I do not disagree,
Long live the rose and the lilac.
They say that she is ill,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
They say that she is ill,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
Perhaps she will die from it,
Long live the rose and the lilac,
Perhaps she will die from it,
Long live the rose and the lilac.
And if she dies on Sunday,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
And if she dies on Sunday,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
On Monday she'll be buried,
Long live the rose and the lilac,
On Monday she'll be buried,
Long live the rose and the lilac.
On Tuesday he'll come back to see me,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
On Tuesday he'll come back to see me,
Oh joy, long live the rose,
But I will not want him,
Long live the rose and the lilac,
But I will not want him,
Long live the rose and the lilac.
*Some versions have the first line and the title as "Mon amant me délaisse" (My loved one/sweetheart neglects me). "Ami" also meant "sweetheart, lover" long ago. Nowadays, besides its regular meaning (friend), it can also mean companion – the man you live with as your husband.
** "ô gué" is an old French expression (it could also be spelled "au gai/gay") to express joy and cheerfulness. It can be traced to the early 1500's. Nowadays, it can only be found in the chorus of old popular songs.
***Some versions have this line as "Je ne le nierai pas" (I won't deny it) or "Bien plus belle que moi" (Much more beautiful than I am).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares (edited by Lisa Yannucci). Photo of Roses by Lisa and Photo of Lilacs by Monique.
Merci beaucoup!