Briney Ole Lynn
This song is a variation of Bryan O'Lynn.
Briney Ole Lynn
Traditional Song
Briney Ole Lynn had no britches to wear
He stole him a sheep skin to make him a pair
The wooly side out and the skinny side in*.
"A mighty fine pair," said Briney Ole Lynn.
(Sing line through the whole tune of the chorus)
Tra La La La La La La La La La La La
Have you ever been into a bachelor's shanty
Where water is scarce and whiskey is plenty?
A three legged table and a chair to match
The door on the shanty ain't got any latch.
(Sing line through the whole tune of the chorus)
Tra La La La La La La La La La La La
*Marcy wrote: "Could have been skinny side out and the wooly side in."

Here's a clip from a version of Bryan O'Lynn…
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Marcy Miller for contributing this song.
Thanks so much!