Η γιαγιά
This song is sung to the tune to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".

Η γιαγιά
Children's Song
Children's Song
Η γιαγιά μας η καλή
Έχει κότες στην αυλή
Κότες και κοτόπουλα
Χήνες και χηνόπουλα
Και τον πρώτο πετεινό
Μέσα σ'όλο το χωριό
Που λαλεί καθέ πρωί
Στης γιαγιάς μας την αυλή.
Η γιαγιά μας η καλή
Έχει ραπτομήχανη
Και γαζώνει και μπαλώνει
Του παππού το πάντελόνι.
Our kind grandmother
Has chickens in her yard,
Chickens and chicks,
Geese & goslings.
And the first rooster
In the entire village,
That crows every morning
In our grandmother's yard.
Our kind grandmother
Has a sewing machine
And sews and patches
Our grandfather's pants.
I yayamas
i yayamas i kali
ehi kotes stin avli
kotes ke kotopula,
hines ke hinopula.
ke ton proto petino
mesa solo to khoryo
pu lali kathe pro-i
stis yayamas tin avli
i yayamas i kali
ehi raptomikhani
pu ghazoni ke baloni
tu papu mas to pandeloni.
The accented vowels in the Greek text mark the stressed syllables
a = ah
e = eh
i = ee
o = oh
u = oo
y as in "you"
h as a German "ch" in "ich"
kh as a German "ch" in "Bach"
gh: a voiced "kh", a gargling sound without vibrations.
th as in "thick, thin"
Dina Melillos wrote: "I would like to be your friend as I love children too much. So I send this song from Alexandria, Egypt as I live here & I am from Greek origin.
I remember very well this song of my grandmother.
Hope this song makes all the kids of all the world be happy."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Dina Melillos for contributing this song. Thanks to Sophia Marx for the translation.
Ευχαριστώ πολύ!