Mareta, mareta, no'm faces plorar

Mareta, mareta, no'm faces plorar
Mommy, Dear Mommy, Don't Make Me Cry
Mareta, mareta, no'm faces plorar,
compra'm la nineta avui qu'es el meu sant.
Que tinga la nina hermosos els ulls,
la cara molt fina i els cabells molt rull.
Marieta, Marieta jo es cantaré
una cançoneta que ta adormiré.
Dorm-te, neneta, dorm si tens son.
Dorm-te, neneta, dorm si tens son.
Mommy, dear Mommy, don't make me cry,
Today is my saint's day, so buy me a doll.
Let the doll have beautiful eyes,
A pretty face and very curly hair.
Mary, little Mary, I will sing you
A ditty and I'll lull you to sleep.
Sleep, little one, sleep, if you're sleepy.
Sleep, little one, sleep, if you're sleepy.
Anonymous lullaby from Valencia / Alicante area (c. 1700).
Mareta means "little mother" and Marieta means "little Mary".
Here's another version:
Mareta, mareta
Mareta, mareta
anit vaig somiar
que una nineta
em vares comprar.
La nina tenia
bonicos els ulls
la cara molt fina
i els cabells molt rulls.
I jo la tenia
i jo li cantava:
la nina plorava
que tenia son
English Translation:
Mommy, Mommy
Mommy, mommy,
Last night I dreamt
That you bought me
A doll.
The doll had
Pretty eyes,
A pretty face
And very curly hair.
And I was holding her,
And I was singing to her:
The doll was crying
For she was sleepy.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song, for the midi and sheet music.
Image: Kate Greenaway
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