Petit Papa
Here's a French Father's Day Song children can sing to their Dads on their special day...

Petit Papa
Little Dad
Chanson de la fête des pères
Father's Day Song
Petit Papa, c'est aujourd'hui ta fête,
Maman m'a dit que tu n'étais pas là.
J'avais des fleurs pour couronner ta tête
Et un bouquet pour mettre sur ton cœur.
Petit Papa, petit Papa!
Little Dad, today is your day
Mommy told me you weren't here.
I had flowers to crown your head
And a bunch to put on your heart.
Little Dad, little Dad!
This song can be found in print as early as 1859 as shown in the image above. It calls it an "air connu", meaning the tune was already well-known at that date. It must have originally been for the father's name day because Father's Day wasn't celebrated back then.
Another version has the 2nd line as "Maman l'a dit quand tu n'étais pas là" (Mommy said so when you weren't here).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing the song with the midi and sheet music. Translated by Monique and Lisa.
Image: Lithographe from 1859 called "Quand On A Femme et Enfant" by Jules-Jean-Antoine Baric from Musée Carnavalet, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0).
Merci beaucoup!