Dunje ranke
Aleksandra wrote: "Here is one more traditional song from Serbia, both for children and adults. Usually, it's for dancing in the KOLO , which has, in Serbia, the meaning of a traditional dancing "ring" formation. "

Dunje ranke
Fresh Quince
Circle Dance
Circle Dance
Idi kući, obuci se, lele, dunje ranke. 2x
Dunje ranke, dunje ranke, kruške karamanke. 2x
Idi kući, očešljaj se, lele, dunje ranke. 2x
Dunje ranke, dunje ranke, kruške karamanke. 2x
Opet dođi, kolo vodi, lele, dunje ranke. 2x
Dunje ranke, dunje ranke, kruške karamanke. 2x
Go home, dress yourself, lele*, fresh quince, (2x)
Fresh quince, fresh quince, pears karamanke**. (2x)
Go home, comb yourself, lele, fresh quince, (2x)
Fresh quince, fresh quince, pears karamanke**. (2x)
Come again and lead the dance, lele fresh quince, (2x)
Fresh quince, fresh quince, pears karamanke**. (2x)
*Lele = common old expression, meaning "hey", "oy".
**Karamanke = a type of pear which grows in Serbia.
Doonye ranke
Eedee koochee, obootsee se, lele, doonye ranke. 2x
Doonye ranke, doonye ranke, krooshke karamanke. 2x
Eedee koochee, otcheshlyay se, lele, doonye ranke. 2x
Doonye ranke, doonye ranke, krooshke karamanke. 2x
Opet dojee, kolo vodee, lele, doonye ranke. 2x
Doonye ranke, doonye ranke, krooshke karamanke. 2x
"a" like in "car"
"e" like in "bed"
"ny" together like in Spanish "mañana"
"r" like in Italian
Aleksandra wrote:
Go in "a traditional dancing 'ring' formation. Everybody join hands together, and:
1st measure
Right foot to the right, left foot joins it.
2nd measure
Right foot to the right, left foot joins it... all the same up to the 4th measure.
Then change direction:
5th measure
Left foot to the left, right foot joins it... all the same up to the 8th measure.
Then, stop, stand in the 'ring' formation and clap to the beat.
That's the simple dance for children, for adults it would be more complicated."
Aleksandra is the music teacher from Novi Sad, Serbia. She teaches music to children from 1 1/2 to 7 years old in her music school "Melodium".

Many thanks to the 5 and 6 year old students at "Melodium" Music School in Novi Sad, Serbia for performing this song!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Aleksandra Grbic Hrustic for contributing, transliterating and translating this song and for the midi tune and score.
Hvala lepa!