Казачья Колыбельная Песня
"Bayushki bayu" is an expression to lull a baby to sleep in Russian.

Казачья Колыбельная Песня
Cossack Lullaby
1. Спи, младенец мой прекрасный,
Тихо смотрит месяц ясный
В колыбель твою.
Стану сказывать я сказки,
Песенку спою;
Ты ж дремли, закрывши глазки,
2. Сам узнаешь, будет время,
Бранное житье;
Смело вденешь ногу в стремя
И возьмешь ружье.
Я седельце боевое
Шелком разошью...
Спи, дитя мое родное,
3. Богатырь ты будешь с виду
И казак душой.
Провожать тебя я выйду —
Ты махнешь рукой...
Сколько горьких слез украдкой
Я в ту ночь пролью!..
Спи, мой ангел, тихо, сладко,
4. Стану я тоской томиться,
Безутешно ждать;
Стану целый день молиться,
По ночам гадать;
Стану думать, что скучаешь
Ты в чужом краю...
Спи ж, пока забот не знаешь,
5. Дам тебе я на дорогу
Образок святой:
Ты его, моляся богу,
Ставь перед собой;
Да, готовясь в бой опасный,
Помни мать свою...
Спи, младенец мой прекрасный,
1. Sleep, my beautiful good boy,
Bayushki bayu*,
Quietly the moon is looking
Into your cradle.
I will tell you fairy tales
And sing you little songs,
But you must slumber, with your little eyes closed,
Bayushki bayu.
2. The time will come when you will learn
The soldier's way of life,
Boldly you'll place your foot into the stirrup
And take the gun.
The saddle-cloth for your battle horse
I will sew for you from silk.
Sleep now, my dear little child,
Bayushki bayu.
3. You will look like a hero
And be a Cossack deep in your heart.
I will accompany you and watch you go,
You will just wave your hand.
How many secret bitter tears
Will I shed that night!
Sleep, my angel, calmly, sweetly,
Bayushki bayu.
4. I will die from yearning,
Inconsolably waiting,
I'll pray the whole day long,
And at night I'll wonder,
I'll think that you're in trouble
Far away in a strange land.
Sleep now, as long as you know no sorrows,
Bayushki bayu.
5. On the road, I'll give you
A small holy icon,
And when you pray to God, you'll
Put it right in front of you,
While preparing for the dangerous battle
Please remember your mother.
Sleep, good boy, my beautiful,
Bayushki bayu.
*Bayushki bayu is the Russian expression to lull a baby to sleep.
Author: Mikhaïl Iourievitch Lermontov (Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов) (1814-1841)
1. Spi mladyenets, moi prekrasný,
bayushki bayu,
tikho smotrit myesyats yasný
f kolýbyel tvayu.
Stanu skazývat' ya skazki,
pyesenki spayu,
tý-zh dremli, zakrývshi glazki,
bayushki bayu.
2. Sim uznayesh, budit vremya,
branoye zhityo,
smyelo vdyenish nogu f stremya
i vazmyosh ruzhyo.
Ya sedeltse boyevoye
sholkom razoshyu.
Spi, ditya mayo radnoye,
bayushki bayu.
3. Bogatýr tý budish s vidu
i kazak dushoi.
Pravazhat' tibya ya výdu,
tý makhnyosh rukoi.
Skolko gorkikh slyoz ukradkoi
ya f tu notsh pralyu!
Spi, moi angel, tikho, sladko,
bayushki bayu.
4. Stanu ya toskoi tomit'sya,
byesutyeshno zhdat',
stanu tselý dyen' molit'sya,
po notsham gadat'.
Stanu dumat', shto skutshayesh
tý f tshuzhom krayu.
Spi-zh, paka zabot nye znayesh,
bayushki bayu.
5. Dam tibye ya na darogu
obrazok svyatoi,
tý yevo, molyasya bogu,
stav pyered saboi.
Da, gotovyas v boi apasný,
pomni mat' svayu.
Spi, mladyenets, moi prekrasný,
bayushki bayu

Only part of the song is sung in the recording below. It's sung as follows:
Verse 1, Verse 3 (after the whole verse is sung the last 2 lines are repeated) and Verse 5 (repeat last 2 lines of verse 5 at the end).
Many thanks to Maya Osnovina for singing this lullaby for us.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Kai Kracht for allowing to use the transliteration and the English translation from his site of Russian Folk Songs! Translation edited by Lisa.
Thanks also to Natacha DENECHAUD-GUNKO for help with the score!
The illustrations are from Nursery Rhymes of Belgium, France and Russia (1917) by L. Edna Walter, illustrated by M. Alfred Bastien.
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