Looking for an Old Czech Rhyme

Julie wrote:

I’m looking for the old czech rhyme/finger play ditty my grandma used to play with me. It was about an insect-spider who crawls up (your arm) finds a hole (ear) and crawls in (tickle ear). It phonectically sounds like “broczech leza pludla meza daya jerka tomza leza”.

Ideally, I would like the actual translation to English as well as the Czech words.

Thank you so much, Julie

If anyone can help, please comment below.



This article was posted on Saturday, January 20th, 2007 at 8:19 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, Czech, Czech Republic, Finger Plays, Languages, Nursery Rhymes, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

118 Responses to “Looking for an Old Czech Rhyme”

  1. Hana Says:

    Hi Stephanie

    the version, that sang your father, was maybe made up, but each child in Czech republic knows this version:

    Jedna dvě, Honza jde, nese pytel mouky,
    máma se raduje, že bude péct vdolky.
    Máma vdolky nepekla, Honza skočil do pekla,
    máma vdolky pekla, Honza vylez z pekla.

    piano music is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOyba4F4WnU

    You can hear the song here: http://www.predskolaci.cz/jedna-dve-honza-jde/3170

    Maybe you know this version (by Fr. Hrubín):

    Jedna, dvě
    Honza jde,
    jedna, dvě, tři
    pes ho větří
    jedna, dvě, tři, čtyři,
    kampak si to míří,
    jedna, dvě, tři, čtyři, pět,
    běží k mámě na oběd.

  2. Hana Says:

    Hi Stephanie

    Can you remember more words of your song?

    Yedna vje, Tata de.. means: One two Daddy goes……
    Yedna vje, Deda de means: One two Grandoa goes…..

    Jedna dvě, Honza jde means: One two Johnny goes……


  3. Hana Says:

    Hi Stephanie

    How many years ago did your father sing the song? Is it possible that he knew that song from The Simpsons?


    táta jde.
    pojď se svézt.
    dej to kosům.
    přidej se k nám!


  4. Lisa Says:

    Hi Hana, Hahaha! Was that song made for The Simpsons or is it traditional? :) -Lisa

  5. Hana Says:

    Hi Lisa

    I think, that the song was made only for The Simpsons.

    Czech people are really great – for example the movie Shrek in Czech is really very funny.


  6. Lisa Says:

    That’s so cool Hana! :)

  7. Jason Says:

    If this blog is still active, I could use some help :) Looking for audio of a song to give to my mother as a gift. It is of a tune her father used to sing to her. I think it has been filtered through the years, but I think with the help of google translate I’ve made out some of it :) parts in parentheses are phonetics that I haven’t made out yet…

    Vstávej má milá (stroi-ko-nee)
    Jdes mi máma (flenta/flinta), Jdes mi máma (flenta/flinta)
    Ty jsi moje moje drahá, ty jsi moje moje drahá, ty jsi moje moje drahá
    Já jsem tvoje!

    The beginning line starts with the same melody as the first lines of the Aj, Lúcka, Lúcka siroka march.

    Thanks in advance!

  8. Lisa Says:


    If you type into Google “Vstávej má milá” you’ll see some YouTube videos and also there’s a choice to go to itunes. So it must be for sale there. It also comes up in searches on Amazon to buy as mp3’s or on cd’s. I hope this helps! -Mama Lisa

  9. Jason Says:

    Still looking! Searching for Vsávej má milá gets results for a different song. It must not be the title. Would love to find this! Thanks for your help :)

  10. Hana Says:

    Hi Jason
    it is not easy to find “your song”.

    (stroi-ko-nee) – stroj koně – go and prepare the horses
    Flinta means gun

    It is possible to find similar but not the same lyrics for example in these songs but I do not know your old song. I am sorry.



  11. Leesa Says:

    My grandmother once told me a rhyme- something to do with three sisters meeting three brothers on holidays and then they get married to each other.

    They had names like tzipi, tzipi drippi, tzipi dripy limpin poney. And yak, yaksi drak, yaksi draksi draksi toni.

    Does anyone know this one?

  12. DeeDee Says:

    Hi. My grandmother was from czechoslovakia and when I was a child, she used to pinch the top of my hand and say this rhyme that sounded like “cheep cheep cheephuschke, (something something) nanuschke”.

    Does that sound familiar at all to anyone?

  13. Hana Says:

    Hi DeeDee

    It might be this Slovak rhyme:

    Ťap-ťap ťapušky,
    išli mačky na hrušky.
    Podriapali kožúšky…




  14. Hana Says:

    Hi DeeDee

    another version of that song for you:

    Cip, cip, ciburušky,
    išly mačky na hrušky.
    Podriapaly kožúšky,
    pove-šaly na vráta, pride kušnier zapláta — — ši — ši, ši!



  15. Gabrielle Says:

    I thought I wrote a comment on this already because someone else mentioned this but my great grandmother her name was Rose Skodacek- American version. :) I only know the sounds in my head that I can barely remember.. I KNOW IT is nothing like this.. but I will sound it out and I hope someone knows… Vacht vach vaucheetsah, shnidle little shepitsah, PSHHHHH! My dad said something about quack, quack goes the duck.. i dont know though. any help would be nice and I hope I didn’t curse anyone out in another language PAHAH!

  16. Kary Says:

    Hi! I am hoping this is still active. My grandmother was from Czechoslovakia, and she just passed away last week.
    She used to do some sort of nursery rhyme with me that I can’t seem to find. I THINK it was something like the This Little Piggy Went To Market one, the only word I remember were when she got to the ‘wee wee wee all the way home’ part, I remember her tickling my feet and saying ‘poddi-oochi, poddi-oochi, poddi-oochi’. Of course I don’t actually know how to spell it, that’s just how it sounded to me. And that’s all I can remember :(
    I’d love to be able to find whatever it was that she did.
    Thanks so much!

  17. Hana Says:

    Hi Kary,

    this is for example a Czech fingerplay about little pigs:

    První malé prasátko, šlo do města na trh.
    Druhé malé prasátko, to byl jeho bratr.
    Třetí malé prasátko snědlo deset housek.
    Čtvrté malé prasátko jenom malý kousek.
    Páté malé prasátko ztratilo se v lese.
    Naříkalo, kví, kví, kví, že už nenajde se.
    (ukazujeme jednotlivé prstíky,
    začínáme od palce)



    My Slovak mother used to sing this song to us when we were little, bouncing us on her knees: (sounds like:) Tindah hrindi to se mash, tindah hrindi map kah, tindah hrindi to se mash, tindah hrindi BABKA! On the part where she said BABKA, she dipped us between her open knees. Are you familiar with this?

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