Here's a song that Kindergarteners in Japan sing...

Close Hands, Open Hands - Japanese Children's Songs - Japan - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Musunde Hiraite

Musunde hiraite
te wo utte musunde

Mata hiraite
Te wo utte
Sono te wo ue ni

Musunde hiraite
Te wo utte musunde.


Sadao Mazuka wrote, "I found the children's song, 'Musunde Hiraite" is the same tune as Schubert's 'Rousseau's Dream' and 'Go Tell Aunt Rhody' on your USA page."



Many thanks to HAMADA Miwa and team at the University of Toyama for allowing me to use the Musunde Hiraite recording and midi from their wonderful site of Japanese Songs. On their site you'll find the Japanese lyrics to many Japanese children's songs and folk songs. You'll find transliterations of the songs, recordings, midis and sheet music.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Mama Lisa and image composed by Mama Lisa.

Arigato gozaimasu!