The Nahuatl language was originally called Aztec. Varieties of the Nahuatl language are still spoken by approximately 1.5 million Nahua people, most of whom live in central Mexico.


Arturo wrote, "'Cochi' means 'to sleep', 'pitentzin' is 'little one', 'baby' is 'coconeco'. 'O xolotl' is 'the little one', a single word that can be said different ways. In this song, it is thus: The baby who's going to sleep is called 'pitentzin, xoco, xocoyotzin'. If you add "no" at the beginning of the word, it means 'mine' or 'my' as in 'noxoco' that means 'my little one'
The suffix 'tzin' is reverential as opposed to the diminutive that many understand."

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Arturo Altamirano for contributing a Spanish translation and for providing information about some words of the lyrics.