"Slowly walk your fingers up the child's arm and stop on the last line and scurry them to his or her neck and tickle it." -Sandra

Esta hormiguita - Mexican Children's Songs - Mexico - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Claudia wrote:

"I also know a similar rhyme about an ant…"

Había una hormigita
Buscando comidita
Se vino una llubesnita
y corre, corre a su cobechita.


There was a little ant
Looking for some food
It started to rain and it
Ran, ran, ran into its little cave.

(While singing the song your fingers walk slowly up the child's arm and when it starts to rain your fingers scurry up the child's armpit or neck and tickle…. my mom always did the armpit.)

Game Instructions

Walk your fingers up the child's arm while reciting the rhyme. On the last line, slowly stop walking your fingers and scurry them up to the child's neck and tickle.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Sandra for contributing and translating this rhyme. Thanks to Claudia for sharing another version.

¡Muchas gracias!