"Korobeiniki" is widely known around the world because it's one of the tunes played in Nintendo's 1989 Gameboy version of Tetris. It's often referred to as "The Tetris Song".


"The song 'Korobeiniki' is based on a poem with the same name by Nikolay Nekrasov, written and printed in the Sovremennik magazine in 1861. Due to its increasing tempo and the dance style associated with it, it quickly became a popular Russian folk song." -Wikipedia


Sadao sent this song with the note: "I am sending a Russian folk dance song that was introduced into Japan via the USA after World War 2.

The title is 'Korobeiniki' which means 'Peddler'. But the title of the arranged song for folk dancing is called 'Korobushka', which means 'a box that's held on the peddler's back', and is pronounced as 'korobuchika (コロブチカ)' in Japanese.

I like this kind of music 'in minor scale with a nimble rhythm'. Very impressive for me! And I believe most Japanese love such music."

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Sadao Mazuka for sharing this song with us! The translation comes from Wikipedia.
