Rebecca wrote, "My Belgian father used to sing me a lullaby which went…"


*Monique wrote, "She's laying eggs, it's all about laying eggs - but it's true that in French we don't need to mention 'eggs', it's implied in 'pondre' - you can only 'pondre' eggs, though it can be said pejoratively about babies when talking about parents/mothers who 'just gave birth' meaning they don't take much care of the children and the kids must raise themselves by themselves, let's put it this way. We say, 'Il s'agit pas de juste les pondre, il faut aussi les élever' (It's not just a matter of laying them, it's also necessary to raise them) - not classy but it means what it means.

Pondre can also mean to churn out an essay, a book, an article, etc..."

**Monique wrote, "'Dodiche' = dodo… -iche is a suffix used to form a diminutive. It can be belittling as in 'une bonne' (a maid, a servant) 'une bonniche' (= 'only' a servant) and often used colloquially…"

La bonne, la bonniche;
il est fort, c'est un fortiche/il est fortiche;
elle/il est godiche: s/he's clumsy.


Sheet Music

Sheet Music - La poulette orange

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Rebecca Tyndall for contributing this lullaby.

Translation: Mama Lisa and Tatie Monique.

Many thanks to Monique Palomares for the midi tune and commentary.

Merci beaucoup !