Welcome Songs and Goodbye Songs are very popular in many countries in Africa. They’re often sung in schools when there’s a visitor.
Here’s a sweet song from Uganda that’s sung by schoolchildren from the town of Igana.
You’ll find the lyrics below followed by a YouTube…
Welcome Song
I’m so excited on top of the mountain
I feel a joy down in my heart,
That’s why I’m singing and dancing
You are welcome with our view of the stars.
My name is (name)
I feel joy down in my heart,
That’s why I’m singing and dancing
You are welcome with our view of the stars.
UPDATE: The original video was taken down. Here’s another one I found. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be sung by kids in Uganda. The last line is different, “You are welcome. We love you, with stars.”
Here’s another video of children in Uganda singing a different Welcome Song…
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Wednesday, May 25th, 2016 at 7:00 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, English, Languages, Uganda, Welcome Song. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
June 1st, 2016 at 5:38 pm
What a fabulous song! I wish I had known this 6 months ago to teach my Montessori pre-schoolers. Thanks for posting. And thank the children for singing!
August 10th, 2017 at 3:13 pm
I love this!
August 22nd, 2017 at 4:25 pm
From where I can download complete song. Plz send me
September 25th, 2020 at 4:09 pm
Really love this song. I am wondering if you know if the traditional creators eg. Ugandans, have given us permission to share it with our classes. I am being mindful of cultural appropriation.