Valentine’s Day & Carnival Around The World


Happy Valentine’s Day from Mama Lisa!

You can read about how the holiday is celebrated around the world here.

You can find a collection of Valentine’s Day Poems here.

Here’s one of our favorites, from Italy

I Love You Because You’re Sweet Like A Cream Puff

(English translation by Lisa and Monique)

I love you because you’re sweet like a cream puff,
Your skin tastes like jam,
Your mouth, like chocolate,
When I kiss you I smell caramel,
You’re good as well as beautiful
But there’s one thing that makes me doubt…
To love you so much, won’t I end up getting fat?

Ti amo perchè sei dolce come un bignè


Ti amo perchè sei dolce come un bignè,
la tua pelle sa di marmellata,
la tua bocca di cioccolata,
quando ti bacio sento il caramello,
sei buono oltre che bello
c’è una cosa però che mi fa dubitare…
Ad amarti così tanto non finirò per ingrassare?

Carnival / Mardi Gras / Pancake Day


It’s Carnival time!

Carnival refers to a collection of related celebrations and traditions associated with the period before the Christian season of Lent.

You can read about Carnival around the world here.

In the UK, they celebrate the Tuesday before Lent as Pancake Day.

And here in the US, way down south in New Orleans, we do what we wanna during Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday).

Sadly, things will need to be more muted this year. With luck, the festivities will all be back in 2022!


This article was posted on Sunday, February 14th, 2021 at 6:39 pm and is filed under Carnival, Lent, Mama Lisa, Pancake Day, St. Valentine's Day. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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