Shirley emailed me looking for different versions of The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Here’s what she wrote:
I am desperately seeking 3-4-5 versions (songs) of Itsy Bitsy Spider for an around the world float.
Shame on me I left that chore until last and now I am having trouble. I’ve gotten English and Spanish. Please let me know if this is even remotely possible so I can make other arrangements.
Thanks Shirley
These are the ones we have on Mama Lisa’s World (you can click the link to get to the song page and to access the English, French and Spanish translations of the songs):
Denmark – Lille Peter Edderkop – The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Mexico – La pequeña araña – The Little Spider
Mexico – Itzi, bitzi araña – The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Philippines Ilongo – The Itsy Bitsy Spider – And Dutay Nga Damang
Spain – Itsy Bitsy Spider – Araña arañita
USA – The Itsy Bitsy Spider
France – L’araignée Gypsy – The Gypsy Spider
If you would like to share the version of The Itsy Bitsy Spider from your country, please feel free to post the lyrics in the comments below or email a recording to me.
This article was posted on Monday, October 13th, 2008 at 12:22 am and is filed under American Kids Songs, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Danish, Danish Children's Songs, Denmark, England, French, Languages, Mexico, Philippines, Questions, South Africa, Spanish, Spanish Kids Songs, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, United Kingdom, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
October 20th, 2008 at 12:07 pm
Betsy sent me The Itsy Bitsy Spider in Hebrew:
Al ha kir tipes lo, Akavish Katan
Tip tipot shel geshem girshu oto m’sham.
Ba pitom hashemesh
shibsha et kol ha gan.
Ba pitom hashemesh
shibsha et kol ha gan.
Al ha kir tipes lo, akavish katan
Tip tipot shel geshem,
girshu oto m’sham.
Chashavti she tafasti oto,
Aval…..fistasti oto!
Thanks Betsy!
-Mama Lisa
October 27th, 2008 at 6:30 pm
This is the Swedish version of the “The Itsy Bitsy Spider Around the World”
Imse vimse spindel klättrar upp på trån,
ner faller regnet, spolar spindeln bort.
Upp stiger solen torkar bort allt regn,
Imse vimse spindel klättrar upp igen!
December 20th, 2008 at 11:24 am
Long ago that I sang it, but this is the German version of the song:
Kleine, kleine Spinne, wie lang dein Faden ist.
Kam der Regen runter und der Faden riß.
Scheint die liebe Sonne, leckt den Regen auf.
Kleine, kleine Spinne kletter wieder rauf.
January 24th, 2009 at 11:14 pm
Maliliit na gagamba (itsy bitsy spider)
Maliliit na gagamba, The little spider
Umakyat sa sanga. Climb the branch
Dumating and ulan, The rain came down
Itinaboy sila. Pushed them away.
Sumikat ang araw, The sun came up
Natuyo ang sanga. It dried the branch
Maliliit na gagamba The little spider
Ay laging masaya. Are always happy.
June 5th, 2009 at 8:41 am
This is the Greenlandic version of Itzy Bitzy Spider:
Piitaq aasiannguaq
Qarmakkakkut majuarpoq
Sialuit tutsipput
Piitap timaa masappoq
Seqineq nuivoq
Piitap timaa panerpoq
Piitaq aasiannguaq majuaqqilerpoq
I hope that you can use it
Susanne, Nuuk, Greenland
December 12th, 2009 at 6:12 am
Portuguese Version:
“A dona aranha subiu pela parede
Veio a chuva forte e a derrubou
já passou a chuva e o sol já vai surgindo
e a dona aranha continua a subir.”
February 2nd, 2011 at 9:39 am
[…] ever-amazing Mama Lisa got the family reunion started. See who else is there (Hansje Pansje Kevertje should be on his […]
June 28th, 2011 at 11:27 pm
I just want to share this song from our country Philippines.
Ako Ay Nag-tanim I Am Planting
Ako ay nag-tanim I am planting
Isang pirasong luya A one piece of ginger
Tumubo ay gabi It grows a taro
Bumunga ng mangga It fruited a mango
Nang pipitasin ko When I pick it
Hinog na papaya A riped papaya
Lumagpak sa lupa Fall into the ground
Magandang dalaga It’s a beautiful lady
December 2nd, 2011 at 9:47 pm
Portuguese: I translated this myself using the version you have on here and going off the Spanish version. I think this Portuguese version goes better with the tune.
A dona aranha subiu subiu subiu
Veio a chuva e a derrubou
Chegou o sol e tudo se seco
E a dona aranha subiu subiu subiu
November 4th, 2012 at 5:08 pm
Lille Petter edderkopp han klatret på min hatt
Så b’ynte det å regne og Petter ned han datt
Så kom solen/-a og skinte på min hatt
Da ble det liv i Petterkopp som klatret atter opp
February 15th, 2015 at 10:45 am
Hämä-hämä-häkki kiipes langalle
Tuli sade rankka, hämähäkin vei
Aurinko armas kuivas satehen
Hämä-hämä-häkki kiipes uudelleen
May 27th, 2017 at 11:13 pm
Dutch version
Hansje pansje kevertje die klom eens op een hek
Daar kwam de regen die spoelde hansje weg
Toen kwam de zon op die maakte Hansje droog
En hansje pansje kevertje die klom toen weer omhoog
English translation:
Hansel pansel little bug was climbing up the fence
There came the rain which washed Hansel down
Then came the sun which dried up Hansel
And Hansel Pansel little bug was climbing up again!
November 7th, 2018 at 7:24 pm
This is the german version we always sang in kindergarden:
Kleine Spinne Rosi krabbelt auf die Heck,
kommt der große Regen, spült die Rosi weg.
Kommt die liebe Sonne, streichelt Rosis Bauch,
kleine Spinne Rosi krabbelt wieder rauf.