The Family Dinner


Growing up my family always had dinner together.  To this day, I remember this ritual.

My husband and I have kept up the tradition with our kids.  It’s the one time we can all enjoy each other’s company.  No chores, no work, no nagging, no computers, no TV, etc.  It makes it that we eat a bit late when my husband’s working in the city, but it’s well worth the sacrifice.

When the kids were younger and less likely to initiate conversation, we’d start our meal with: "Everyone tell me the best and the worst thing that happened to you today."  You didn’t have to have a worst thing.  If you had a bad day, you didn’t have to have a best thing either.  The point is, it got the conversation rolling.  And it really worked!  To this day, when my daughter’s friends eat over, they ask to play the game. 

Last night we had a particularly nice conversation at dinnertime.  I was thinking afterwards how happy I am that my family still partakes in The Family Dinner ritual. 

Note: By chance, I came across an interview today with Laurie David, Larry David’s ex-wife.  She just published a book called The Family Dinner: Great Ways to Connect with Your Kids, One Meal at a Time.  I haven’t read it yet, but in the interview Laurie talks about alternatives to the family dinner if your family is involved in different events at suppertime (like sports, clubs, etc.).  You can make it a different meal that you eat together.  The important point is that time is spent as a family on a regular basis.  A time when everyone tries to get along, reconnect and have a nice time.

This article was posted on Friday, November 19th, 2010 at 7:08 pm and is filed under Parenting, The Family Dinner. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

One Response to “The Family Dinner”

  1. Lisa Yannucci Says:

    Ayako wrote from Japan, “It sounds nice. There is nothing better than spending time with family together!”

    I wrote back to Ayako asking, “Do most families dine together in Japan every night?”

    Ayako wrote back, “No. People who work at offices or companies usually come home late at night in Japan. My husband comes home from about 9 to 10 P.M. every night. Some come home later than him.

    So we can’t have dinner together on weekdays. It is a bad custom in Japan that people think it’s normal to do overtime work!”

    Thanks for sharing Ayako! It’s interesting to hear about daily life around the world.

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