The Echo Song with a YouTube Video

Orlando di Lasso (1530 or 32 – 1594) was a Flemish Renaissance composer. He wrote over 2000 pieces in his lifetime. They were religious and secular choral works in Italian, German, Latin and French.

Some of Lasso’s works were masses that he dedicated to the pope. Interestingly, he also wrote some drinking songs, and plain ole humorous songs. I would say The Echo Song fits into the humorous category. What’s funny is that when you hear choral music, you expect it to be serious in nature. I find The Echo Song to be a surprising exception to this idea.

Enjoy David Solomons rendition of the song in the YouTube video below. After the video I posted the lyrics, though they’re in David’s video. I also posted his English translation of the song. After that you’ll find another rendition of the song by a full choir (the video is black but you can hear the song). It’s interesting to compare renditions.

O La, O Che Bon Eccho!
(Italian Lyrics)

O la, o che buon echo!
Pigliamo ci, piacere!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ridiamo tutti!
O buon compagno!
Che vuoi tu?
Vorria che tu cantassi una canzona.
Perchè? Perchè si?
Perchè no?
Perchè non voglio.
Perchè non vuoi?
Perchè non mi piace!
Taci dico!
Taci tu! O gran poltron!
Signor, si!
Orsu non più!
Addio buon echo!
Addio buon echo!
Rest’ in pace!

Here’s the English translation:

The Echo Song

My word! Oh, what a lovely echo!
Let’s try it out.
Pleased to meet you!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Let’s all laugh!
Oh my fine companion?
What do you want?
I’d like you to sing a song.
Why? Why should I?
Why not?
‘Cos I don’t want to.
Why don’t you want to?
‘Cos I don’t fancy it.
Shut up, I say!
You shut up, you big fool!
Yes, Sir!
Come now, no more!
Let’s go!
Goodbye lovely echo!
Goodbye lovely echo!
Peace be with you.
That’s enough!
That’s enough!
That’s enough!
That’s enough!

Score of O La, O Che Bon Eccho!

Many thanks to David Solomons for bringing his wonderful Youtube video and The Echo Song to my attention!

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Monday, November 24th, 2008 at 3:28 pm and is filed under Choral Music, Composers, Countries & Cultures, English, Italian, Italy, Languages, Mama Lisa, Music, Orlando li Lasso, Sheet Music, The Echo Song, Traditional Music, YouTube. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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