St. Nicholas is very popular in Germany!
There are various traditions of St Nick there, depending on the region. In some places he walks from house to house giving treats. In other places children leave out their polished shoes and boots to be filled with treats and gifts in the middle of the night of December 5th, St. Nick’s Day (Nikolausabend) . Here’s a famous song that’s sung for St. Nick’s Day in Germany…
Niklaus komm in unser Haus
Niklaus komm in unser Haus,
Pack die großen Taschen aus.
Lustig, lustig, trallerallala!
Heut ist Niklaus abend da,
Heut ist Niklaus abend da.
Nicholas, Come into our House
Nicholas, come into our house,
And unpack your big bags.
Merry, merry, tra la ral la la!
Today is St. Nick’s night,
Today is St. Nick’s night.
Here you can hear the song…
Here you can find the lyrics to a longer version of Nikolaus komm in unser Haus.
Below you can watch St. Niklaus arrive in a neighborhood and be greeted with the first line of the song above "Niklaus komm in unser Haus"…
You can learn more about St. Nicholas here.
Happy St. Nicholas Day!
Mama Lisa
Photo: Wikipedia
This article was posted on Monday, December 5th, 2011 at 8:47 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Christmas Songs, Countries & Cultures, German, German Children's Songs, Germany, Holiday Songs, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Niklaus, komm in unser Haus, St. Nicholas Day, St. Nicolas Songs, YouTube. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.