Pussy Willows Down by the Brook

Pussy_willow_branch pdThe song "Pussy Willows" used to be taught in schools.  Some people have written to me about it because their grandparents sang it to them as kids.  It’s a sweet little song! 

Here are the lyrics to Pussy Willows, with a musical score and midi tune…

Midi Tune of Pussy Willows

Pussy Willows

pussy_willow_wikiPretty pussies down by the brook,
Swinging away to and fro;
On the bending willow boughs
Like pussy cats all in a row.

If I put you down by the fire,
You pussies so cunning and shy,
I wonder if you’ll turn
Into pussy cats by and by?

“Ah, no!” the pussies said,
“We couldn’t and we wouldn’t do that;
We belong to fairy folks
And we are their pussy cats.”pussy_willows

If anyone would like to sing this song for us, please email me or comment below.


Mama Lisa

Many thanks to Monique Palomares from the French version of Mama Lisa’s World for creating the midi tune.

This article was posted on Friday, March 22nd, 2013 at 8:38 am and is filed under American Kids Songs, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, England, English, English Children's Songs, Languages, Midis, Music, Musical Scores, Recordings, Recordings of Songs, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

6 Responses to “Pussy Willows Down by the Brook”

  1. Neil Says:

    My Mother used to sing this to me as her Father sang it to her. I’m 40 now and lost my Mother years ago but I like to think that this as “our song.”

    I learned it with some variation on the lyrics but honestly these make more sense. Its a cute little ditty.

  2. Lyssa Says:

    My great aunt Nettie had this song for us as we came along, 10 of us siblings. Slightly different words and the tune changed up a bit, but quite obviously the same.

  3. Cindy shepard Says:

    My grandmother and mother’s version combined the first and second stanzas and kept the last stanzA as follows

    Little pussies down by the brook
    Little pussies so cunning and shy
    Will you sit by my fireside
    And be my pussy cats by and by

    Oh no the pussies said
    We couldnt and we wouldnt do that
    We belong to the fairy folk
    And we are their pussy cats

  4. Ann Says:

    My grandmother sang this song to us with a different tune. I am a new grandma and wanted to sing it for my grandson in remembrance of my grandmother. Thanks for the lyrics!

  5. Carolyn Says:

    Thank you for printing the words to this song. My grandmother also sang this song to me. I am a grandmother now, and I want to sing it to my grandchildren also, in remembrance of my grandmother. Thank you for printing this. It is fun to see that others’ grandparents sang this song to them. I wish that there was a youtube video with someone singing this song on it.

    Thank you very much!

  6. Ann Says:

    My grandmother sang this to her grandchildren and I sang it to my son and now he songs it to his kids. I love that I can remember my dear grandmother through this song!

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