My daughter’s 5th grade class had a Multicultural Feast this week. The feast was about both writing and exploring one’s cultural heritage.
The students had to ask a relative for a recipe that’s been handed down within the family and then to interview that person about the history of the recipe.
All of the recipes were collected with their stories and made into a cookbook that each child received at the feast. There also, all of the dishes were tried by all!
Educational and yummy… what more can you ask for!
I remember doing this as a child with my own grandmother in my first grade class. We were younger so we just had the food part of the feast. But I still remember it to this day decades later… that my grandmother prepared a dish and came into my class with me… so special!
This article was posted on Saturday, February 4th, 2012 at 8:37 pm and is filed under Books & Stories, Cookbooks, Cooking, Cooking with Kids, Countries & Cultures, Customs and Traditions, Domestic Life, Multicultural, Parenting, Recipes of the World. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.