Previously, I talked about a poem called Crime Time, that I learned from my friend Monique of Mama Lisa’s World en français. It’s great to recite to your kids or students for Halloween. I’ve been saying it to my kids over the past week. My 1st grade daughter learned it and started reciting it back. My middle school aged son also enjoyed hearing it.
Here’s a funny animation of the poem, set to my recording. (There’s also an animation of Monique reciting it in French.) Here it is:
[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”400″ height=”350″/]
Now that my daughter has seen the animation, she acts it out just like in the animation, though with a spoon. It’s hilarious!
-Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Sunday, October 28th, 2007 at 1:48 pm and is filed under Animation, Countries & Cultures, English, France, French, French Poems, Halloween, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Mama Lisa, Minuit, l'heure du crime, Poetry, USA, Video. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.